Chapter: 3 FAMILY

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Author note:

Well here are the changes of the star wars stories Jaune is the Clone template, Obi-wan decided to press on the matter on what Dooku said that the Sith Lord Darth Sidious was in control of the Republic and investigated Palatine, upon evidences Palpatine was arrested of crimes of starting the clone wars, senator Padme Amidalla was elected Supreme Chancellor, Anakin walked away from the Jedi order and publicly announced his marriage, Obi-wan also walked away and married Satine Kryze, the Clones became a police force for the galaxy settling planetary crises and Jango is not dead and now adoptive father to Jaune. Please Enjoy😄

In a galaxy far far away


Planet Kamino

Jango: well son it seems like you made a name for yourself.

Jaune: well I still prefer fighting for the weak than bounty hunting dad.

Jango: haha well to each his own, you do what your heart yearns for.

"Well it seems this is where we part ways, your to old to have me breathing down your neck."Jango happily announced

"Dad stop your embarrassing me Infront of my brothers." Jaune whispered to his father

Jango:Haha well I hope you resolve your home planets issues.

Jaune: thank you dad for everything well I'm off now.


Jaune: there is no such thing as luck!

Jaune boarded the Venitor Class Star Destroyer

Jaune boarded the Venitor Class Star Destroyer

Jaune's Fleet

2 Venitors

1 Aclimator

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1 Aclimator

Jaune received approval to save his planet Remnant from collapse by Supreme Chancellor Padme

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Jaune received approval to save his planet Remnant from collapse by Supreme Chancellor Padme

Jaune received approval to save his planet Remnant from collapse by Supreme Chancellor Padme.

Jaune of the Grand RepublicWhere stories live. Discover now