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Beacon Academy landing pad

A crowd is forming not because of the Atlasian Knights patrolling around it was a new ship that recently arrived with a group of soldiers

Coming out if the frigate are the

Muunulist 10 ARC Troopers, with Captain Fordo leading and a Clone Commando known as Captain Gregor

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Muunulist 10 ARC Troopers, with Captain Fordo leading and a Clone Commando known as Captain Gregor

At the other side was Jaune with Cody and Rex being led by Ozpin Ironwood and Glynda until Jaune saw the frigate and asked Ozpin to go to them despite Ironwood's protests

As Jaune neared then he saw the ARC troopers facing of with Specialist Winter and her troop of Aks

While Jaune also spots a drunk hobo walked towards them to his surprise the hobo ripped off one if the AK's heads and taunted the Specialist

It was Fordo who tried to diffuse the situation by mediating between the two

Fordo: alright that's enough please stand down sir.

Qrow: who's this? You need others to fight for you Schnee?

Winter: he's not with me.

Fordo: listen I know everyone here is tense but this doesn't need to escalate further.

Qrow: sheesh and I thought Jimmy's machines were so dull, now we have puppet soldiers?

That struck a nerve in Jaune and rushed forward to confront the drunk

Captain Fordo seeing Jaune saluted the Supreme Commander followed by the rest

Qrow raised an eyebrow at the action and turned to see a similar armored man glaring at him but what's different is he has a small cloak and a large sword behind him

The sword is a customized vibro blade made by Anakin one side has a chunk missing in order for it to fill a beam to create it's edge and it's made of Beskar

Jaune snarled: you have a problem with soldiers?

Qrow: what's to love their just mindless men just following orders.

Then suddenly Qrow was bitch slapped by Jaune while Winter just smirked

Qrow: oof struck a nerve?

Jaune: no one insults my brothers

Jaune draw his Vibro Blade and took all the training to counter Jedi from Jango to good use

Qrow drew Harbinger and got into a stance

They clashed blades like expert swordsmen and danced around while the students watched the spectacle

One student ran away, that kid being Mercury Black to inform Cinder that Branwen was at Beacon

Jaune was able get a few punches in while Qrow was able cut small chunks off Jaune's Dura steel armor

Qrow smiled and taunted "sorry if I what said was personal" with some snark

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