Twenty Five: Bad Blooded Joke

109 6 2

7 mins

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: Why did the baker go to the bank? | He kneaded the dough! Ahahaha get it? One of my clever stuff! #Joketime

39 Retweets 50 Favorites


Raven @its_magic: @BBisawesome Google really is the god of sources.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: I didn't get it from Google! I got it from a joke book I bought from a booksale!

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: Uhm.

Raven @its_magic: @BBisawesome Right.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: Eheheheheh!

Cyborg @metalman: @BBisawesome Did BB just...favorite his own tweet?

1 Retweet

Cyborg @metalman: @BBisawesome Ooh, thanks for the Retweet, @its_magic!

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: I liked that joke!

Robin @boy_wonder: @BBisawesome I've heard of that joke before...

Starfire @PrincessStar: @BBisawesome But banks do not have the dough of which you speak. They are from the bakery!

Cyborg @metalman: @BBisawesome Looks like Starfire learns a lot every day!

Starfire @PrincessStar: @BBisawesome Why, thank you!

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: and then raven's gonna say star knows more than me -.-

Raven @its_magic: @BBisawesome Starfire, you know a lot more than Beast Boy.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: See?

5 mins

Raven @its_magic: You made a really deep cut, and baby now we got bad blood, hey! #badblood

9454 Retweets 5644 Favorites


Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @its_magic Ew.

Raven @its_magic: Is it because I'm a Swiftie yet again?

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @its_magic UHHHH

Raven @its_magic: We're online, Beast Boy. Cut that "UHHHH" out.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @its_magic Okay

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @its_magic I do no like Swifties.

Raven @its_magic: I am well aware you are. But don't go hating on Taylor.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @its_magic Raven, Raven, Raven.

Raven @its_magic: No one will protect you if an army of Swifties will attack you.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @its_magic Suuuuure O.o

3 mins

Cyborg @metalman: BB sure isn't recovering yet :(


Robin @boy_wonder: @metalman Yeah well...

Starfire @PrincessStar: @metalman But is he not stable in the part that is emotional?

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