Two: Joking Around

734 40 5

3 mins

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: Could you dudes share some hilarious joke around? #boring


Raven @its_magic: @BBisawesome Beast Boy is hot. -.-

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Robin @boy_wonder: @BBisawesome Ahahahaha ahahahahaha @its_magic Wow, that was hilarious! xD

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Cyborg @metalman:  @BBisawesome This! Good one, @its_magic!  :D

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Beast Boy @BBisawesome: I said a joke, not a fact!

Raven @its_magic: @BBisawesome Exactly.

Terra @Gaea: @BBisawesome Besides, I'm the only one who considers you sexy ;)

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: Aww...

Robin @boy_wonder: @BBisawesome The only one ;)

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: I hate you guys! -.-

7 mins

Cyborg @metalman: Why is a building called a building when it's done made? Why not call it built? o.o

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Robin @boy_wonder: @metalman Clever.

Raven @its_magic: @metalman Very well said.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @metalman o.o Oh yeah! Building! Hahaha! Building! :D eeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!

Cyborg @metalman:'s not funny.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @metalman Waaahahaaahaahahahahaaahahaahaaaahaahahahaha! buiiiiiilding! :D

Starfire @PrincessStar: @metalman He has eaten my food! :(

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @metalman Foooooooooooooooooooooooooood! djdggeefkdkfjjekqkosfkcmzzdfudkekfieirddjdjfddd

Robin @boy_wonder: @metalman Awww, what exactly did he took from you, Star? :(

Cyborg @metalman: Concerned ;)

Raven @its_magic: @metalman Aren't they always? ;)

Starfire @PrincessStar: @metalman He took the ones I was planning to prepare as the fast of the break :( It was something very special.

Robin @boy_wonder: @metalman I'm so sorry :( But what are those?

Starfire @PrincessStar: @metalman Maggot pies :(

Beast Boy@BBisawesome: @metalman djfkkkdfdifkdcffeididjdiaodkdddifcfi PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!


Cyborg @metalman: I think we owe Beast Boy something.


Okayy, that's a wrap for Two! Next Chapter, I'll be making a surprise :)

Grammar and Spelling please!


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