Three: A Crossover

661 31 25

10 mins

Slade Wilson @deathstroke: The Titan you hate the most? :)

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Mad Mod @KingModdy: @deathstroke Robin

Blackfire @Komandr: @deathstroke Starfire. Duh!

Doctor Light @lights: @deathstroke: Raven O~O

Gizmo @HIVEgizmo: @deathstroke Kid Flash!!!!

The Brain @brain: @deathstroke Beast Boy

Monsieour Mallah @mallah: @deathstroke: Those children...

Slade Wilson @deathstroke: Lol that one @mallah xD

Monsieour Mallah @mallah: @deathstroke You weren't there :/

Slade Wilson @deathstroke: Lol yea but I know things ;)

Madame Rouge @justrouge: @deathstroke Jinx.

Brother Blood @HIVEheadmaster: @deathstroke Cyborg

Trigon @trigon: @deathstroke My own daughter.

Slade Wilson @deathstroke: I know right! Me too!

Kitten Moth @prettykitty: @deathstroke  Starfire >:(

Punk Rocket @soundofchaos: @deathstroke  Beast Boy

Percy Jackson @seaweedbrain: @deathstroke Kronos!!!

Slade Wilson @deathstroke: Who? o.o

Percy Jackson @seaweedbrain: @deathstroke Duhhhhhhhh! Kronos! The leader of the titans, the personification of time! Duhhhhhh

Kitten Moth @prettykitty: @deathstroke OMG a handsome guy :3

Slade Wilson @deathstroke: OMGOMGOMG New titan!'s kidnap time :D

Percy Jackson @seaweedbrain: @deathstroke Pffffft!!! Lol! One does not simply get that titan! Lol! Pffffft!!!

Annabeth Chase @WiseGirl: @deathstroke Percy, are you looking for trouble? And why are you typing like designing a webpage?

Percy Jackson @seaweedbrain: @deathstroke Pffffft!!! Lol! Nothing! Lol! Pffffft!!!

Slade Wilson @deathstroke: Who are you people? o.o

Percy Jackson @seaweedbrain: @deathstroke Gods, Annabeth, you're right.

-@seaweedbrain and @WiseGirl have signed out of Twitter-

Slade Wilson @deathstroke: I have to find out who this Kronos is...


Sorry it took so long! I suffered writer's block and schoolwork was killing me! Well, I guess you liked the surprise of Percy Jackson in that tweet :) My next chapter might involve someone...

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ps. I'll be making stuff longer for you guyth!!!

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