Five: Happy Holidays

487 27 9

10 mins

Robin @boy_wonder: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! :D

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Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @boy_wonder Duuuude Merry Christmas!

Cyborg @metalman: @boy_wonder Merry Christmas, man!

Raven @its_magic: @boy_wonder Merry Christmas too, bro.

Starfire @PrincessStar: @boy_wonder MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYBODY ON EARTH!!!

Speedy @arrowhead: @boy_wonder Merry Christmas guise! :D

Mas y Menos @los-rapidos: @boy_wonder Féliz Navidad a los todos!!!

Santa Claus @st.nick: @boy_wonder Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! :D

Robin @boy_wonder: S-santa? o.o

Santa Clause @st.nick: @boy_wonder Of course! Every celebrity's got to have Twitter! I'm actually following the people who are on my nice list!

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @boy_wonder Um... @st.nick You haven't followed me yet :(

Santa Claus @st.nick: @boy_wonder Um...actually, I'm still thinking about it :(

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @boy_wonder But Santa you followed Robin, Starfire, Cyborg and Raven. Why not me? :'(

Santa Claus @st.nick: @boy_wonder You're on the naughty list, Beast Boy.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @boy_wonder Gasp! Robin do something!!!! D:

                     -@boy_wonder has signed out of Twitter-

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @boy_wonder Eeeeeeevillllll!

Mermaid Man @mermaidman: @boy_wonder Eeeeeeeevillll......eeeeeeevilllllll!!!!!!!!!


5 mins

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @st.nick Please Santa.....follow me... :(


Santa Claus @st.nick: @BBisawesome Beast Boy, I told you you're on the naughty list.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @st.nick Why? :(

Santa Claus @st.nick: @BBisawesome I'm afraid you have 247,999,999,999,999,999 cases of naughty deeds.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @st.nick What? But I'm a Teen Titan!

Santa Claus @st.nick: @BBisawesome Beast Boy...

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @st.nick Santa...

Santa Claus @st.nick: @BBisawesome No.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @st.nick Please...

Santa Claus @st.nick: @BBisawesome No.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @st.nick Pleeeeeeaseeeeeee :(

Santa Clause @st.nick: @BBisawesome No.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @st.nick Pleeeeasee Pleeeasee Pretty Pretty Pleeeeeeaseee!!!!

Santa Claus @st.nick: @BBisawesome *sigh* Fine. But that doesn't put you off the naughty list.

Beast Boy @BBisawesome: @st.nick Yay!!! :):

                       -@st.nick followed @BBisawesome-


And that's how Santa followed Beast Boy! Well, Merry Christmas everyone! I don't own Santa Claus, and Mermaid Man belongs to Spongebob Squarepants. Even if he is kinda taken from Aquaman.

Well, thanks for reading! Gonna be updating six days later for a New Year chapter :) Or, three days later for a Christmas Party recall. Well, that's all for Chapter Five!


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