Thirteen: High School and Prom

341 22 6

15 mins

Raven @its_magic: Some random follower said I was like Carrie. #wat


                    184 Favorites


Carrietta White @Carrie: @its_magic At least you don't have high school to attend -_-

Raven @its_magic: With all those sluts? No way.

Kitten Moth @prettykitty: @its_magic *gaaaaaaaaasp!* R u saying I'ma slutish?


              499,253 Favorites

Raven @its_magic: No.

Carrietta White @Carrie: @its_magic Not yet, perhaps?

Raven @its_magic: Kitten is a slut. There, I said it

Carrietta White @Carrie: @its_magic Lol

Kitten Moth @prettykitty: @its_magic Ew @Carrie Dont cha dare talk 2 me lyk...evr!

Carrietta White @Carrie: @its_magic Oh, you want a piece of me?

Kitten Moth @prettykitten: @its_magic o.o

Carrietta White @Carrie: @its_magic Nothing's stopping me from joining the prom!!! Not even mah momma! *evil laugh*

Raven @its_magic: Nothing's stopping me from not going to prom with the others... *shudder*

Robin @boy_wonder: @its_magic Well you didn't say "no one" ! You go to prom, too!

Raven @its_magic: You take Carrie with you!

Carrietta White @Carrie: @its_magic *does the happy dance*

Robin @boy_wonder: @its_magic No.You.Are.Going.To.The.Prom.Cause.I'm.The.Leader.

Raven @its_magic: Oh, you wanna bet?

              -@its_magic has signed out of twitter-

Robin @boy_wonder: @boy_wonder Oh yes!

                -@boy_wonder has signed out of twitter-

Carrietta White @Carrie: @its_magic I'll just go and ruin some random prom.

                      -@Carrie has signed out of twitter-


Mas y Menos: ¡Hola los todos! :D

TheGelatin: O.o what are you doing here?

Mas y Menos: ¡Nosotros somos guapos!

TheGelatin: Kk bye.

Mas y Menos: ¡Somos que guay! ;)

TheGelatin: Okkkkk fiiiiine now scram!

Mas y Menos: Adios!

Leo Valdez: This girl is on fiiiiiiiiiiiiire!!!

TheGelatin: Um...

Leo Valdez: Wrong post. Sorry! XD

Frank Zhang: Kung hei fat choi!

TheGelatin: It was yesterday.

Frank Zhang: :(

Phew! That was crazy. Now let us move on to my notes:

Sorry I haven't updated for a while. Them stuffs are killin me.

And wow, 700+ reads? That's so cool! I so love you guys! Because the reads and votes increase, instead of 100 chapters (which I haven't told you yet) for tweet with the titans, it's going for 125 hilarious chapters! So we still have a long time here.

KKay farewell, my deary titans :)


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