Part 1

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Reyansh mehra

Reyansh mehra

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Aarohi arora


Third persons pov:

"God damnit! This one is out of order too?" She aggressively kicked the vending machine.

"Wow big guy, you really like to keep things out of order right when I need them don't you?" She looked up at the sky.

"Why are things that we need, we desire, we want, out of order exactly the moment we think we can actually achieve them?"

"Maybe because you cant achieve them." He replied.

"And who are you mister?" She shot back.

"Yet another man who is out of order just like you." He replied.

"You're confusing me" she said

"well, i am glad. It's a hobby you know. Confusing people. Take a lot of effort." He answered  and started walking away.

She ran after him and questioned "hey..what did you mean by that?"

"Out of order remember? Can't deliver my service at the moment, please contact me later. BEEEEEP"

"what are you even saying?" She chuckled at the noises.

"Well I am just saying, sometimes, you need things to be out of order. To survive. To withstand and most importantly to live. For example today, right now, as the vending machine withdrew its services, I get to take you out on a date. So here we are" our steps halted near a local stall.

"Noodles or sandwiches?"

"Noodles" she replied.

"Quick question, who are you and why am I still here with you? For all i know you could be a criminal I mean..." Poor guy almost choked on his sandwich the minute those words left her mouth.

"I am not a criminal jeez. You looked like you could use some food and a conversation since you were literally talking to the big guy all by yourself in the middle of nowhere" he replied.

"I was having an existential crisis okay?" She deadpanned.

"For sure. I wouldn't doubt that."

"Hey! Stop mocking me you jerk!" She slightly hit his elbow.

"Okay. My bad! Noodles?" He offered her and she couldn't deny either. Enjoying the noodles with chilled beer both of them talked for a while.

One thing led to another and they both ended up in his house. There we go ladies and gentlemen. These two lack sense. Yes i know.

She woke up to the sound of shuffling but the guy was nowhere to be found. Had he just left her like that? Did he take advantage of her? No that was consensual...but where was the guy? What happened? Why?

"Ughhh" she groaned in pain.

"Take this. Will help with the hangover" she looked up at him only to see him in a uniform.

"Wait...who are you and why am I here..?"

"Reyansh Mehra, Head of the crime department."

That name...rang a bell in her very empty head. Just yesterday she heard people in the department talking about the newly transfered head officer. It was none other than reyansh mehra.
Shit. She had just shared a bed with the chief officer of CID...she, Aarohi Arora, senior detective at Cid had just committed the biggest mistake of her life. OH GOD THIS WAS GOING TO BE EMBARRASSING

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