Part 12

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Her pov:

I am woken up by a light sensation on my hand, struggling, I open my eyes only to close them once again. Darkness seems to engulf me making it difficult to process anything. But i wasn't giving up either, after a lot of back and forth, I managed to get a glimpse of the surroundings. My hands were tied, so we're my feet. Blood trickling down the side of my forehead. I find myself in a room, alone. I shuffled here and there in order to get on my knees but alas, it wasn't successful.

The last thing i remember was Reyansh's voice screaming my name. Where was Reyansh? Where was I? Have I possibly been kidnapped? If so, we were halfway there to rescue the women in danger.
Footsteps approach me and I look up to see a man, middle aged, light brown eyes, dressed up in a suit.

"Dearest officer, you're up? Well good to see you!"

I scoff and look away.

"Dearie me, you are feisty aren't you?"

"A dickhead aren't you?"

I reply.

Soon enough a punch lands on my face. Ouch that hurt.

"When I talk to you with love, you never show me an arrogance officer. Never!"

Soon enough he walks out.

I have seen him somewhere. I don't remember exactly but I have seen him somewhere.

Yes. He was the son of the chief minister of the state, Raghuvansh Roy. Was this all a planned event? But why kidnap the young women? Everything was so fishy. Looking around, I see a beer bottle lying on the ground. Breaking it, I use a piece of the same to cut the rope around my wrists. I also manage to get my legs untied.

This was my test and i wasn't losing this time. I check for the gps tracker in my hairclip, finding it intact, i hope for extra help. Walking towards the gate, i slowly open it. There i see fifteen women, tied, injured, beaten. Lying on the ground gasping for breath.

I move forward to help them but I see some men entering the chamber. Removing my shoes, i hit on one man's head with extra force causing him to faint.
I tackle the other one with my hands. Thanks to the training i received at the academy, I am able to get rid of him as well.

I look around at the women and whisper,
"Don't worry, I am here to save you now!"

"Saviour Syndrome much huh?"
I see the chief minister Mahavir Roy walking in.

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