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Her pov:

My house had never been this lively in a while. The walls were decorated with garlands, the fairy lights hanging, added to the exterior of the house. The intoxicating smell of the sweets being made in the kitchen was enough to water my mouth. Children giggling happily, while the adults seem to be engaged in their so called serious talks. My mother seemed to have gone frantic as she enquired about each and everything for the upteenth time. From golden to red, green to blue, my house looked like a rainbow of colors. It felt like a home. All thanks to my wedding. Yes. My wedding. The thought still hasnt settled with me but I guess its too late to back off now right? Just kidding though. My friends surrounded me, while the makeup artist worked on my face. I had selected a purple lehenga for my wedding. Well technically, i had quite literally threatened my mother and refused to wear red. Its not my vibe. Why dont people just get it??

Amidst getting ready, a notification popped up my phone screen making my face lit up. Ofcourse it was from my to-be husband who seemed to have gone bonkers. he hadnt seen me in the last 7 days and was suffering. Poor guy. Well if he wants to have me for a lifetime, might as well learn to wait. unlocking my phone, i finally read the text.


ME: sabr ka phal meetha hota hai;)

REY-khadoos-ansh: i am allergic to meetha...PLS JUST HURRY UP OR ELSE IMMA BARGE IN YOUR ROOM AND KIDNAP YOU

ME: cannot kidnap me. It is my wedding today.


ME: wouldnt be saying that tonight ifykyk;)

REY-khadoos-ansh: *the husband was too stunned to speak* THATS IT. I AM KIDNAPPING YOU.

I giggled and left him on seen. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts and i realised, it was finally time to go. Reyansh, i am coming for you. Platonically at the moment ofcourse. Entering the hall, i quickly searched for that one person. My person. My Reyansh. One look at him and all of my doubts faded away. dressed up in a golden sherwani he looked no less than a prince. i wish i could stare at him forever.


Standing at the altar,
I wait for my woman to walk down
The aisle
I remember us being 20
i reminisce myself having a huge crush on her
the very first time i saw her entering the classroom
i visualise everything
from her purple kurti
To her golden jhumkas
How beautiful she looked
Consumed by the book she was reading
All my thoughts come to an end
As soon as the door opens
Revealing her
This time in a purple lehenga
A few tears slip down my eyes
This is the moment we have waited for
Years of loving and living
Everything was finally going to be worth it
She stops in front of me
We are one step away from each other
"आज हाथ नहीं थमोगे?"
I slowly offer my hand to her
"अब तो जिंदगी भर आप ही का हाथ थामने का इरादा है"
She looks away, blushing, she asks,
"केसी लग रही हूँ?"
"मेरी होने वाली बीवी जैसी"
She slightly hits my arm
Asking me to be serious about it"
इंद्रधनुष के 7 रंगो से ज्यादा रंगीन
आसमान के हज़ारों तारों से ज़्यादा हसीन
कश्मीर की वादियाँ से ज़्यादा ख़ूबसूरत
तुम से ही सीखा मैंने जीना
दुनिया के इस समुंदर में आज से
तुम ही मेरा एकलौता सफ़ीना"


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