part 18

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His pov:
As soon as I heard the nurse on call, I rushed from my seat towards the parking lot. Getting inside my vehicle, I drove towards the hospital. The eerie silence of the night makes it difficult for me to breathe while my vision blurs thinking of the endless possibilities of her dying. Somewhere, I start blaming myself. I shouldn't have involved her with this case. I should have handled it myself. The trees passing by seem to be laughing at me while the dogs on the street call out my name mockingly.

I go back to thinking of a possible future with her. I want to tell her about her bravery to our kids. I want to be able to have my first sip of coffee together. I want to wake up to her sight every morning and sleep in her arms each night. The future now seems hazy and unsure due to the fact that there is little hope of her survival.

My thoughts come to an end as I reach the hospital. Handing the watchman my keys, I rush up to the ICU. I ask the nurse of Dr Shah's whereabouts, to which she assures of him being in an emergency case at that very moment. I wait outside the ICU and stare at aarohi's body attached to multiple wires. Who could ever think of a situation as such. I ask Dr Shah for his help and he assures me of trying his best. I sit outside and pray for the healthy recovery of aarohi. I am not a person who believes in God, but for her, I am ready to give anything and do everything in my power. It's like i am asking one god to give me another god. My god. My aarohi.

Dr Shah tries his best and soon enough i am informed that Aarohi is out of danger. So maybe there is a god after all.
I offer a silent prayer and call her mother to inform about the same. She offers to come to the hospital immediately, to which i deny saying aarohi would be fine in no time and i would come to drop her home myself.

A day later Aarohi gains consciousness and i see those hazel eyes once again. It's like all the light is back in my life. In that moment, i realise, I love her. I love Aarohi Arora.

Just 2 more parts ❤️

Out of OrderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora