1: My handsome boyfriend

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The sound of an alarm clock wakes you up from your long needed sleep. "ugh" you get up and hit he alarm clock hard to turn it off.
"I hate mondays". You have uni in an hour with an important lecture today so you asbsolutely cannot skip today no matter how tired you are.

As any average person would do the first thing you do is grab your phone and check your messages. As usual Yeonghon left you a good morning text before you even woke up.

Yeonghon: good morning love

y/n: good morningg<3

Yeonghon: plans for today love?

y/n: noting much i just have an important lecture at uni today

Yeonghon: alr how does dinner together sound then?

y/n: sounds good! i dont have any classes tomorrow

Yeonghon: alr ill come by around 4 then

y/n: isnt that kinda early for dinner?

Yeonghon: well i have a bit of a surprise for you love

y/n: again??? it better not be something expensive again

Yeonghon: dont worry love its not

y/n: okay then.. ill see you later i gotta get ready for uni love u <3

Yeonghon: love u too

You sigh and put your phone down out of exhaustion. Yeonghan is your boyfriend. You met around 2 years ago and about a year ago you both started dating. Although he gets jealous, clingy and can get quite possessive hes very caring towards you and he makes you happy. you get up to make a quick sandwich before rushing to school as youre late but you manage to get there on time.

"y/n!" you hear someone shout your name and turn around to see who it is. "Sheela!" you shout back. Sheela is one of your only friends. Shes a rather short woman with bangs and a small petite body. Although you dont have many classes together you still get along very well and have become quire close. "im here too!" you see Eun sung behind Sheela. you 3 are quite close friends but Eun and Sheela are closer to each other than you.

"Well i gotta get to class i have an important lecture" you tell them. "aww wanna hang out after class? Eun and I wanna go to this super cute new cafe we found!" Sheela says excitedly. You chuckle and reply "you two should go alone i promised Yeonghon wed go out tonight but you guys have fun!" Sheela pouts "always leaving us for your boyfriend humph". You laugh at Sheelas pout "not always. besides i also ditch him for you guys." Eun laughs "alright then well bring you to the cafe with us next time dont worry about it". you nod back "well its time i go now ill see you guys around!" as you turn around and start walking away you hear Sheela shout as loud as she can"Bye y/n" you blush and you think how embarrassing it is as people start to look at you.

During lunch break you sit alone in the cafeteria as your 2 best friends are attending a different class at the moment. You really dont have friends. In reality the reason you dont have many friends is because youre quite a beauty. You have a cute and pretty face with curtain bangs which highlight your cuteness. You're quite short in comparison to others at 160 cm. You have breasts slightly above average with a well shaped ass from working out with Yeonghon paired with a rather thin waste which even make men drool over your body. Many men tried to approach you but you tend to avoid them since Yeonghyon tends to get jealous easily. Even some women who you thought wanted to be friends ended up being attracted to you sexually which Yeonghyon scared away which meant you didnt have many friends.

After lunch you go back to attend your final class before going to the library to study a bit. At around 3 you decide its time to go home as Yeonghon said hed be there at around 4. To your surprise when you walk out of the gates you see Yeonghon waiting for you in his car. He gets out of the car and walks towards you as he wraps his huge arms around you. "Hello love i missed you" he said in his deep voice as he pressed you into his chest. There wa squite a size gap between you two. While you were quite thin and short Yeonghon was quite lean and tall standing at 190cm so whenever he would hug you your head would be resting in his chest.

"what are you doing here?" you asked. "well i thought id surprise you a bit more. lets go love" he chuckles as he takes and carries your stuff for you. at first you never let him carry your stuff for you but hed eventually do it so you gave up and now you let him carry your stuff when he takes them. He smiles at you and opens the door for you "get in princess" you blush and get in on the passengers side. You think to youself how you got yourself such a handsome and caring boyfriend. He puts your stuff in the back and goes to the other side to get into the drivers seat.

hey besties this was the first chapter i plan to make this story a bit long so you might wanna grab some popcorn along the way let me know any suggestions cuz this is my new story! cyu in the next chapter teehee

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