9: Kidnapped

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You slowly wakeup as you realize youre on a large bed in an unfamiliar room. "m-my head" you whine as you fight against a headache when you suddenly yelp and panic when you feel a hand on your back. "take it easy my love the drugs might still be in your system" the hand starts carressing your back as you turn you head to see the voice and its Yeonghon. you realize your only wearing a large shirt which is probably yeonghons with no pants. your heart drops "w-where am i?" Yeonghon chuckles "youre in my house my love. here we can be together forever. ah i can finally keep you all to myself without all the bugs getting between us. how great this is!"

you shiver at his caress and move away from yeonghon. he suddenly gets onto the bed and pulls your waist so that your back is flush against his chest and he spoons you. "youre so warm y/n. you make me feel so loved" you start panting as you realized how bad of a situation youre in. you dont recall yeonghons house having any rooms like this. you need to get out of here now! Yeonghon notices your panicked face "whats wrong my love?" you pause "i-i. c-can i have some water please?" yeonghon chuckles and pinches your cheek "ofcourse my love! i forgot you would probably get thirsty when u wake up ill get you some then ill be right back. Yeonghon gets up and leaves through a door. "think straight!" you say to yourself and after a couple of seconds you rush towards the door snd open it. you see youre in a long hallway and you dont know which way you should go so you turn left in confusion. you run and you dont stop. suddenly out of the corner yeonghon comes and he sees you running. "where do you think youre going?" you panick as you turn around and run the other direction as fast as possible. after running for a couple of minutes you look back and you see Yeonghon isnt there. you mustve lost him! you laugh with relief as you bump into something.

you ran into Yeonghons chest as he caught you and wrapped his arms around your waist. he chuckles "did you have fun my love? i missed you." your heart sinks and you struggle "stop! let go of me! i wanna go home!" Yeonghon looks at you struggling in his grip "my love what are you talking about? this is your home" again he throws you onto his shoulder and starts walking back to the room. you start hitting his back but he seems unfazed by it "stop! put me down!" he chuckles "hush now princess its alright". you both arrive at the bedroom and yeonghon locks the door before gently placing you on the bed. you try to run the second he places you down but he grabs your legs to prevent you from doing so as he moves towards the edge of the bed "stop!" you suddenly hear a click and you see you have a chain around your ankle. "you know princess. i was hoping i wouldnt have to use this. but i guess you proved me wrong. we cant have you escaping from your safe home now can we?" tears start to form in your eyes. "you monster! you sick perverted kidnapper! you-" yeonghon covers your mouth with his hand as he pushes himself between your thighs. "shush my love. you forced me to do this. if you didnt push me to tell you what i do we wouldnt be here. nor would we be if you didnt try to escape from me. you know i cant live without you..." he says as he lifts and bites your left thigh. "hngh!" you let out a stuffled moan as he sucks the area which he bit. leaving a clean bite mark on your thigh. "fuck. why are your moans so sexy" you begin to feel light headed from the drugs that remain in your system as you feel something hard poking your thigh. Yeonghon moves up and gropes your breasts. "a-ah! no! stop! i dont want this!" he places a hand on your p*ssy and chuckles "if you dont want this then why are you so wet princess? just sit back and enjoy the pleasure. ill take care of everything." you grab his hand weekly even though you know hes much stronger than you. "you kidnapped me and now youre going to rape me? you sick bastard! i hate you!"

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