4: The Date

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As usual when you reach his expensive car he opens the passangers side door for you before going to the drives side and getting in. He starts the car and asks "ready princess?" you nod as he starts driving. he carefully places his hand on your knees this time instead of on your thighs like he always does as if he were asking you for permission. you chuckle and assume this is the result of your little prank from before so you grab his hand and move his hand up to your inner thighs which he grabs a bit roughly and you instinctively moan quietly he chuckles and lets out a hum of satisfaction.After 20 minutes you arrive at the restaurant and before you can even open your door Yeonghon does it for you. he holds his hand out for you and you hold it as he chuckles.

he leads you into the restaurant and when you get inside you see it is not an ordinary restaurant. its a fancy one with lavish decorations and high class arrangement. your hand twitches as the sight of such an expensive looking place as a waiter asks "Good evening sir, do you have a reservation?" Yeonghon looks at the waiter with murderous eyes "a reservation?" the waiter instantly flinches "y-yes sir" Yeonghon glares and the waiter and you look at him in confusion when another waiter suddenly interrupts. "M-Mr. Jung! im terribly sorry for the confusion this is simply a newbie please forgive us w-well make sure to g-get rid of him!" you look at Yeonghon in confusion "g-get rid of him? why?" Yeonghon looks at you and calms down as he tells the waiter "no need. youre scaring my beloved just show us to our table." "y-yes Mr. Jung!" the waiter hurriedly replies as he leads you two to a more private table with an incredable view of the city. you sit down confused about the situation just now and Yeonghon notices. "dont worry angel that was nothing".

Youre both handed out the menu and theres an awkward silence between you two. "have you decided what to order love?" you think for a bit then reply "im not sure. everythings so expensive here" he chuckles "who said youre paying for anything love?" you look at him "no! you spoil me too much youre not paying for anything" he chuckles again and takes out a black credit card "y/n, do you know what this credit card and my love for you have in common?" you think for a second and ask "what?" he raises your chin with his hands "they both have no limit". *you blush* and the waiter comes to take your order. "i-ill have a sweet iced tea with a carbonara". Yeonghon sighs darling youre already too light and skinny you need to eat more. otherwise howre you going to survive being tossed around by me in bed? *you blush* as the waiter is still there "Y-Yeonghon!" he chuckles "Ill have a medium rare steak with a bottle of your finest wine, a salmon with a ceaser salad and for desert 2 slices of red velvet. "very well sir" the waiter leaves after taking your order.

"Y-Yeonghong you cant keep doing this in public!" he chuckles "i can tell you enjoy it though my love" you blush. "i-im going to the washroom". You walk to the toilet and wash your hands as your pout with a blush on your face. "that jerk!" you say to youself. as you walk out of the toilet to go back to Yeonghon when suddenly a waiter bumps into you and he drops a pen onto the floor. "i-im so sorry Miss!" he panics and you chuckle "its okay dont worry" the waiter sighs in relief and you bend down to pick up the pen for him. you hand him the pen and he smiles widely "thank you".  you smile back at him and head back yo Yeonghon.


I chuckle as i imagine my darling in the washroom all flustered. after a couple of minutes i see her gorgeous figure walk out of the washroom and i smile when suddenly a lowly waiter bumps into her. how dare he touch her! i was about to get up when i see y/n bend down and pick up the pen for the waiter as he smiles at her. I grip the arms of my chair with anger but then i see y/n smile back at him. That bastard! hes trying to steal you from me. i must get rid of him!

I see y/n come approach our table and i force myself to relax so i dont scare her. She sits down slowly and looks at me with her cute little face and asks me in a cute voice "Yeongi hyung? are you okay?" i stay silent for a second. god why does she have to be so cute and seductive i really should just lock you up and tie you to my bed. "yeah ofcourse darling" i let out a fake smile.


"O-okay" you swear you just saw Yeonghon look at the waiting as if he were going to kill him. Suddenly your food arrives and its smells delicious. Yeonghan chuckles "eat up princess. youre gonna need the energy for tonight" you blush and pout as you begin to eat your pasta "i-its really good!" Yeonghon smiles "im glad. try this my love" he says as he cuts you a piece of steak. "hmm! thats so good!" you say and hear him chuckle as he calls a waiter "bring me another medium rare steak". "very well sir" he waiter leaves. "h-hey whos gonna eat that" he looks confused "well ofcourse you my love. as your boyfriend ive got to fatten you up a bit." you blush at this. Yeonghon is always so carring and attentive towards you. "try the wine as well my dear" he holds up a glass of wine and you take a sip. "w-wow that tastes quite strong". your steak arrives and you have another glass of wine as you finish the steak. you were never really good with alcohol so you were a bit drunk by the time Yeonghon went to pay the bill.

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