5: Seductive

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"Yeongi hyung! you paid again! humph!" You pout as youre drunk so Yeonghon carries you out of the restaurant and heads back to the car. On the way back to the car you start whining "Kiss me!" Yeonghon chuckles as he kisses your cheek and you wrap your arms around his neck. "lets get ice scream!" you say excitedly to Yeonghon as he laughs. "my love wants ice scream?" "mhm!" you reply instantly and he chuckles. "if you kiss me here your hubby will get you ice cream" he says as he points to his cheek. you give him a cute peck on the cheek "now lets get ice cream hubby!" he smiles "okay my love" before heading to the car he carries you to a small ice scream shop on the street. "get what you want my love" you think very hard for a second before ordering "ill have a tiramisu ice cream and my hubby will have a red velvet!" Yeonghon chuckles as you  order for him as well. "my wifey  remembers my favourite flavour i see." he kisses your forehead while waiting for the ice cream. "ofcourse i do! i love you! so you better kiss me!" you pout so Yeonghon kisses you. He separates from the kiss, pays for the ice cream and gives it to you while giving you a piggy back ride back to the car. "this is gooooood" you start to eat your ice cream "im sure it is my love" he chuckles as he also eats his ice cream and almost finishes it. "try it!" you hold your ice cream out for him to try but he licks the ice cream off of the corner of your lips instead. this helps you to sober up a bit as you blush "it tastes delicious my love".

Yeonghon has to admit he absolutely loved this spoiled side of you. he never knew youd act like this when youre drunk. He absolutely had to make sure youd never get drunk insted of anyone other than him. His possessive side was starting to come out so he carefully sneaked his hands to your back and grabbed your ass. "S-stop touching me like that" you whisper. "But why?" he asks. "Were in public!" you reply. He chuckes "Thats the point my love. If i do this in public then other men will stop trying to take you away from me. You make me wanna lock you up and keep you all for myself". now you were soberring up properly and you finally reached the car.

You took a short nap on the way home and when the car stopped at your apartment you woke up to the feeling of something touching your back and legs. It was Yeonghon trying to carry you bridal style. "Did i wake you princess?" you rubbed your eyes. "n-no i think i just drank too much." he chuckles "you really have bad alcohol tolerance my love" he continues to carry you back up to your apartment. When you arrive at your apartment door he opens the door and closes it with his leg. He carries you to your bed and gently places you down.

"can i take a shower quickly then ill head out" deep down you get sad when he says hes going to leave soon. "ofcourse you can". You reply. he smiles and heads to the bathroom. Yeonghan put in all this effort for you. he picked you up, even bought you a new dress so that you guys could have a fancy dinner that he ended up paying for. you pout and think. you suddenly come up with an idea to surprise him and thank him for todays date.

You quickly run towards your wardrobe and look for the lingere you bought from victorias secret specifically for Yeonghon. you quickly put on the matching panties and the lingere so you can surprise him before he comes out of the shower. its a short, translucent dress which barely covers anything. your panties are made of a seductively silky material with strings on each side which can be pulled to directly untie your panties which would expose your lower half. the length of the dress barely covers you ass but it doesnt matter as its mostly transparent. the upper part of the dress is almost completely transparent except for 2 small bits which barely cover your nipples leaving your breasts almost completely exposed.

You hear the bathroom door so you quickly get ready and walk toward the bathroom door and you see Yeonghon walk out shirtless. you blush and stare at his fine figure. large, muscular arms and defined abs. he looked as if he went to the gym 24/7. you suddenly snap out of it as you see Yeonghan slowly approaching you as he stops right infront of you

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