12: A Shattered Heart

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As he left to go to the bathroom you curl yourself into a ball on the large yet empty bed. unmoving. you sob silently at the situation. how do i escape? you question yourself. can i even escape? really? a mafia boss? you scoff at yourself as you think about how stupid you are. ofcourse not. its impossible. youre just..... stuck..... here..... with no escape.

something shatters inside of you at this fact. you simply stay curled up in a ball on the bed. unable to accept this. what has happened. this isnt the man you loved. yeonghon... yeongi hyung... hes just gone. hes no longer with you. spoiling you rotten and taking care of you as he whispers sweet, romantic phrases. Yeonghon suddenly bursts into the room with utter happiness as he rushes towards you. "M-my love! i- i- y-you.... youre.... pregnant... YOURE PREGNANT!! with.... my child!!" he shouts with extreme content. great. you think to yourself. not only have you been kidnapped and raped by a crazy psychopath, now youre even pregnant with his child. this rubs salt on the wounds in your heart as you display no reaction towards Yeonghon's words.


Im absolutely speechless. im so happy!! the love of my life... is pregnant... with my child!! and yet, when i tell her the news she shows no reaction. "baby? did you hear me? youre pregnant!" i repeat. and yet she still shows no reaction. "my love?" i call for her again and she still doesnt respond. i carefully flip her around from her curled up position so that she is facing me and yet.... when she turns around.... her eyes are filled with nothing but hatred and sadness as tears continually drop from from her heartachingly beautiful yet sorrow eyes. "ngh-" she quietly whimpers before she begins bawling her eyes out infront of me. "agh! mphh" she beggins crying uncontrollably infront of me which stabs me right in the heart. i hate seing my love cry! it hurts me deeply!

"h-hey... whats wrong my love?? youre pregnant! we should be celebrating! w-what happened? stop crying baby.... it hurts me to see you crying. ill do whatever you want... stop crying.... okay? my love?" i try to affirm and comfort her with words and yet she continues to cry uncontrollably. i begin to panic as i dont know what to do. i approach her gently and try to cuddle her but she pushes me away and starts to shout hysterically "N-NO! G-GET A-AWAY!! D-D-DONT *sob* AGH- T-TOUCH M-ME!!" she continues to push and struggle from my grip and it hurts. she doesnt want me to touch her.... ah! ofcourse! she needs a bit of time to process whats happening! how silly of me! so much has happened to her today she just needs a bit of time alone. "o-okay love... ill give you some alone time. hmm?" she doesnt reply and continues to bawl her eyes out. i get off the bed and approach the door. i exit the room and before i close the door again i try to leave a comforting affirmtion for my love "rest well baby, ill be back soon!" i lock the door and fake footsteps. i then carefully sit down infront of the door making sure not to make any noise and simply wait for her to stop crying.

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