Chapter 17 - Spending the night.

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Pavitr -"I'm Spiderman."

Once I heard the words that escaped from his mouth, everything connected. Why their hair looks the same, the voices, the way they both act towards me, why pav wasn't at the party but Spiderman was.

He was not kidding. I could see the look in his eyes, it was full of worry. I leaned in for a hug, he hugged me back.

"Why haven't you told me sooner?! This whole situation would have been solved, I would be with you and only you. Because I love all of you."

Pavitr -"Is that why you like me as Spiderman and the real me?"

"Yeah. I like you both and you both are the same person, so that makes sense. I was kinda dumb, I should have known sooner."

Pavitr -"Nah I should have told you!"

He ruffled my hair.

"Well I guess we can be together with no problems!"

Pavitr -"Yeah! I will make sure to protect you so there will surely be no problems!"

"I can protect myself Pav!"

Pavitr -"Yeah but just in case when you need my help."

I smiled at his words and hugged him tight.

Pavitr -"Do you maybe want to spend the night here?"

"Nah I think I have to head home soon, I can stay for a bit though!"

Pavitr -"Well a bit of time with you is better than no time at all!"

"Well what do you want to do?"

Pavitr -"I have Minecraft! Do you wanna play?"

I was so excited! I get to play a video game with my boyfriend!


I joined his game and he decided to make a house. I decided to live in a cave, I then went around the place looking for resources to make my cave look more decent. Suddenly a creeper came up to me I tried getting away from it but it blew me up, I died, and I lost all of my stuff.



He burst out laughing. I smacked his arm.

"Well now I need to find more stuff."

Pavitr -"I will help you."

"Thank you Pav."

Suddenly my phone buzzed, I picked it up to check.



Pavitr -"Whats wrong?"

"It looks like I can't leave, I have to stay for the night."

Pavitr -"Well I get to spend more time with the person I love."

I smiled at him and punched his arm. Pavitr laughed.

"Well I'm gonna text my aunt real quick so I can let her know where I am and that I'm safe."

After I texted my aunt she texted back saying its okay to stay over, as long as I'm safe. She also told me not to do anything weird with Pav.

"Okay, lets keep playing Minecraft!"

Pavitr -"Do you have any coal? I need to make a torch."

"Uh, yeah! I will go to your house and bring it."

Pavitr -"Thanks Y/n!"

"No problem!"

We played Minecraft for about three hours we had already finished building our houses and we already built a nether portal. So I think that was a good place to stop at.

"You wanna stop playing and do something else?"

Pavitr -"Mhm sure!"

He turned off the game.

Pavitr -"I have twister. Do you wanna play that?"

"Sure, that sounds fun."

He spun the wheel first and he got left foot on blue. I spun the wheel next I got right hand on red. We kept playing for a bit and it got awkward really quick. Pavitr and I were in a weird position.

"Uh. I think we should stop playing twister for now."

Pavitr -"Agreed."

He put the game away and laid down on his bed.

Pavitr -"So what do you want to do now?"

I thought for a bit.

"Want to watch a movie?"

Pavitr -"Sure what movie are you thinking of?"

"Lets watch The Ring."

Pavitr -"Pfft! Won't you get scared?"

"No! Besides I will be with you, and I'm pretty strong."

Pavitr -"Mhm sure, come sit next to me."

We sat at the corner of his bed, he pulled me close. He put on the movie and his arm wrapped around my waist. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I felt strange, now it wasn't THAT strange, it was another type of strange I have never felt before.

I wrapped my legs around his. He held me closer as he saw my legs on his.

Pavitr whispered -"What are you trying to do?"

"What do you mean? I'm just trying to get comfortable."

Pavitr -"Ohh, okay."

"What did you think I was trying to do?"

Pavitr -"Nothing never mind."

I could see him covering his mouth from time to time and him looking away for a bit.

"Hey are you okay?"

Pavitr -"What do you mean?"

"You keep covering your mouth and looking away from me."

His breath was shaking and so was his voice.

Pavitr -"Mhm, yeah I'm fine."

"If you say so."

I lay my head on his chest and I could hear his heart race.

"Okay, do you have a fever?"

Pavitr -"No? why?"

"Just to be sure I'm gonna check."

I got up just a bit and sat in front of Pavitr. His legs were between mine and I was close to his face. I pressed my head on his head to check his temperature.

"You seem fine."

I was about to get off but before I could Pavitr grabbed my wrist and he put us back in the same position we were in when I was trying to check his temperature, except I was sitting right on his lap, I wasn't hovering it like I did earlier. The feeling in the pit of my stomach grew and the butterflies multiplied.

"Oh, uh. Pav is something the matter?"

I tried keeping my voice calm.

Pavitr -"Mhm, there is something wrong, with me, do you want to help me fix it?"

His voice was still shaking, it sounded broken and so was his breath. I looked at his eyes and I could feel that what he wanted was me. His hand pushed me closer to him and his hand wrapped around my waist again. The feeling kept growing stronger. I couldn't let my voice break so I tried keeping it calm.

"Uhm..sure. what do you need help with?"

This escalated quickly..

Thanks for reading!

Do I have a chance? (Pavitr Prabakar x Reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now