Chapter 20 - I trust you.

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I went to school. I felt a huge amount of fear, It was like a wave of anxiety crashed over me. Everytime I looked around I could just see what I saw in my dream last night, I could see all of them all bloody and dead. I couldn't shake the dream off at all.

I went to my seat and buried my face in my arms, just in case if I cried no one would see. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Pav.

Pavitr -"Hey, are you okay.?"

I felt like tears were forming in my eyes. I held it back, and I gave a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine."

I looked away so he can't see the look on my face.

Pavitr -"You don't seem fine."

He cupped my chin and tilted my head up gently so I could make eye contact with him.

Pavitr -"Tell me whats wrong my love."

I felt tears forming and they fell down my face. I couldn't stop them.

Pavitr -"Here follow me, you probably don't want others looking at you."

He took my hand and walked me out of the classroom to the supply closet. He hugged me tightly, the hug was warm, it showed me he cared.

I cried into his arms. He let go of the warm embrace, and he wiped my tears.

Pavitr -"Now tell me, whats bothering you?"

He talked in such a soft voice, it was soft but I could tell it was full of concern.

"Pav..I had a nightmare last night."

Pavitr -"What was it about?"

"Everyone around me, everyone I loved and cared about was dead. Someone kept threatening me to tell them who Spiderman was otherwise they would kill you."

His arms wrapped around me again. I could feel him crying a little and I could hear him sniffing.
I held onto him and we both cried.

Pavitr -"I'm never gonna let that happen to you. Don't worry, and don't cry. I promise to protect you and everyone."

"I trust you."

He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

Pavitr -"You can always trust me dear. Now you don't have to worry okay?"

"Okay. I love you Pav."

Pavitr -"I love you too, Y/n."

He put his hand on my cheek. He is so loving. He took my hand and lead me out of the supply closet.

Pavitr -"Now lets get to class before the bell rings okay?"


We walked to the classroom and we both sat in our seats. Meera looked at the both of us, then her eyes fixated on me. I could tell by look in her eyes she felt a bit hurt.


When class ended Meera came up to me.

Meera -"Hey Y/nnn!"

"Hi Meera! Do you need anything?"

Meera -"Well do you want to hang out later together?"

"Sure! If Im free later I will text you."

Im glad Meera is starting to get a bit comfortable.
I looked back at my notes. Meera took out a pink highlighter and marked a tiny heart on the side of my notes. Then she goes back to her seat and sits down. I had stickers so I had an idea, I took out a red heart sticker and I placed it on her notebook cover.

Do I have a chance? (Pavitr Prabakar x Reader) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now