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Y/n Pov:
I walked into my work place after coming from an assassination appointment which got a little messy and bloody just to be greeted with Ariana,my bosses annoying assistant, i looked at her indicating that she should speak. She hesitated before eventually mumbling out "Mr Choi would like to see you" I just nodded and walked past her. I guess the blood that was on my clothes made her extra nervous today.

As i approached San's door i could hear him talking to someone whose voice I didn't quite recognize.
I knocked on the door twice before hearing a 'come in' from the other side of the door.

"Ah y/n you're here, I see you're still in your gear but thats okay although you do have a little something on you face."he said with a slight chuckle.
I just hummed in agreement, not at all planing to stay in the office very long as my patients was becoming ver little.

"Anyway, the reason i called for you was to meet my friend over here. This is Mingi. He's out newest assassin and i thought, you know who better to teach him the ropes than our Mrs Assassin herself." He says giving me one of his signature smiles. My eyes then shifted to this Mingi person for a few seconds to realize he hasn't looked away from me since i entered the room.

"But I'll have leave you two to get to know each other. I have matters to attend to." San said as he exited the room even though i knew his "matters" meant his boyfriend Wooyoung in activities i probably didn't want to know about

Once he left however i saw Mingi's body tense as if he was uncomfortable
Almost a minute went went by of me just observing him before he finally spoke up " Im Song Mingi it's nice to meet you." His voice was beautiful and elegant and quite deep. It was definitely not what i was expecting
"Im y/n, nice to meet you too Song."
I said closely observing how he only spared me a millisecond of a glance once i started talking.

"You know its rude to not look at someone when they're talking to you" i say to him with a smirk slowly making its way onto my face.
"Im sorry, its just that San said that if i come off as strong or arogant you wouldn't like me." He said now finally looking me in the eyes
I took a moment to study his features and if i was being completely honest with myself he was actually pretty hot.
"He's not wrong but you're going to work with me so i suggest you try and gain some confidence, pretty boy."

I shocked myself by what i had just said and apparently i shocked him as well considering his jaw was almost on the ground. I chuckled at his expression but then realized that we probably had to get to work."Come on pretty boy,we have work to do and I don't think you know even the basics."
"I don't know what you're talking about San said we only start tomorrow." He said with a rather amused face.
"Well if you wanted San to teach you, you could've told him that." He must have thought that the tone and the seriousness on my face must have been a joke as he just smirked down at me as if it was amusing to him.

As i was showing Mingi around i noticed him staring at one of the female assassins that literally nobody likes. "Thats Lexi, you seem interested pretty boy. Dont be shes not as good as she looks." I say not even making eye contact with him as im reloading one of my guns." What's wrong with her."
He asked i almost as if he was genuinely confused. I smirked at him lightly before saying "She's our seductor, meaning the way she looks at people is fake 99% of the time, hence why nobody likes her l. Oh and also she sleeps with people for the 'experience' so please for both our sake stay away." I say looking up at him only to see him staring at her like she's a delicate object. He then looked at me and raised his eyebrows "OR you girls are jealous that she gets dick but hey i dont care really because i dont hoe around." I just scoffed at his words before walking into the range room and handing him the gun i had loaded.

I came really close to his face and whispered

"Show me if you have the balls to shoot something, pretty boy"

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