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A/n: Hey babe's ❤️. Sooo..... it's been a while and I'm sure y'all were waiting for an update and here it is and I'll make sure to update more often....
I might've forgotten  about this book.....
Enjoy babes🥰


                                                          Catch fights not feelings

Y/n Pov:
I woke up with the bright sun shining it's powerful rays onto my face. As I looked around i was greeted with an unfamiliar surrounding. I was confused and in a daze. It took me a while to recollect what had happened the night before.
Then it all came back to me, all the feelings and actions that were shared.
The only thought that ran through my mind was " where the actual fuck was Mingi."

As i got up from the bed i felt a small ache in my thighs and back, i stumbled around the big room looking for my clothes. Once i exited Mingi's room i made sure to take a mental note not to sleep with anyone whole i was drunk again because in the end it all ends the same.
As i slowly approached the training room i couldn't help but agree with the little voice in the back of my head saying "this is your fault, you knew what you were doing you idiot"

I knew it was my fault. How could i be so dumb? All this time i was doing so fucking good not doing anything irrational decisions like sleeping with people. Why did all my morals suddenly have to fall out the door? And why for him a person i hardly even knew? I was frustrated with my self. I entered the training room and immediately went over to were the punching bags and dummies were for hand-to-hand combat. I needed to relieve my stress and this was, unfortunately for me, my only way to cope.

I taped up my hands so it wouldn't bruise as much and just as i stood up i was met with an unpleasant snog face.
Didn't this bitch have other people to fuck on or something? " What" i asked wanting nothing more than to punch something , quite frankly i wanted to punch her. I knew i was being unreasonably petty but that was just me. She fucked Mingi, i mean she lasted for all of two minutes, but hey a fucks a fuck i guess." I saw you coming out of Mingi's room this morning." She had a sly look on her face and i wanted nothing better than to punch it off her but i tried to be the bigger person and just turned away from her.

"I'll take your silence as a yes" she said looking at me. Again i said nothing and started punching one of the dummies, it hurt like a bitch but I liked it in the weirdest way possible." To think i had him all to myself, i mean his dick really does a number on people, doesn't it?" She chuckled sadistically before continuing, "Aww maybe that's why you haven't said anything. Did he fuck you so good you on longer have a brain huh?" And that was the last straw.


A loud crunching sound was heard followed my Lexi's pathetic screams.My fist hur even more now and i could see the beautiful crimson colour seeping onto her shitty clothes. That however didn't stop her from trying to got me back, but good for me she made the app stupid decision to move along with her hand. That earned her a snap against the jaw with my elbow. Another loud crack was heard and i was pretty sure i broke her nose and jaw.

It felt like time stopped after that, everyone went silent and soon all that was heard in the training room was people gagging because of the blood and her jaw or people whispering about me. I didn't care and walked out of the training room and as i left i caught a glimpse of Mingi's shocked expression when he saw me.

I left the building and went to the drug store across from our building so i could get proper pain medication. As i entered the building i saw a stressed Mingi and a concerned Yunho standing at my door. Once they noticed i was there, Yunho was the first to speak,"Y/n what the fuck i thought she hurt you." He said pulling me into a hug." Although, that was some damage you did to her....maybe she'll get plastic surgery to fix that ugly face." He laughed lightly. I glanced at Mingi taking good note of how he couldn't look me in the eye


As we walked to see San, who had been looking for me, i felt Mingi slowly fall behind us. He felt guilty. I know he did and he should. We entered the office slowly, me entering last out of the the of us. I felt my whole body tense as I looked up and was met with the eyes of   Kim Hongjoong  i instantly knew i fucked up. He only ever came out of someone was being let go out of they died.

"Y/n....I heard what happened and I can't say I'm surprised." He said this with a grin so large i was convinced he was insane." I mean lets be honest y/n everyone wanted to do that since she started sleeping with people's boyfriends." This made me glance at Mingi only to find him already looking at me. I then just turned my attention back to Hongjoong who seemed to have caught my glance and smirked slightly, "Although Y/n if i were you I'd watch my back. The seductresses are not very happy with you right now." He snickered before continuing " But that's over now so I'll be leaving and San can give you a mission or the day off, depending on what he wants of course."  He then swiftly left the office and we could all hear did loud voice as he laughed with someone outside of the door.

San looked up from his phone for his phone for the first time since we arrived and spoke with amusement in his voice " So tell me love, what did push you this far?" I have him a knowing look and he seemed to have gotten the message. "Yunho, Mingi... You're dismissed I'll call you when i need you." He said letting his eyes linger on Mingi's tense body.As they left the room i felt San gaze at me with amusement but i watched Mingi leave after giving a sad look in my direction.

"I'm gonna go ahead and assume all of that...whatever that because of Mingi. What the hell happened?" San asked, although he already knew exactly how i felt about Mingi."Yeah well, we slept together and although i would blame it on the alcohol, i wont.I enjoyed it."San looked shocked, i couldn't tell if it was the shock of me actually having SEX with someone or that i said i ENJOYED it. San thought carefully about his next sentence, making a face of concentration and confusion before speaking,"You....slept with Mingi...and you liked it. That's a first" he said seriously before smiling,his next question caught me off guard, "Was he good tho?" i laughed out loud before answering jokingly," know not that bad." it was now his turn to laugh,"Don''t lie to me y/n.You know it was good,or else it wouldn't be this tense." i smiled mockingly before saying something that visibly caught him off guard, "Well the main reason is actually that he left me,alone,in his dorm this morning.When we came to your office was the first time i saw him." i could see he felt sorry for me but i didn't want his pity so i bid a fast goodbye to San before leaving.

As i walked towards my dorm, feeling the sudden urge to be alone, i felt a hand softly tug on my forearm.I turned around to be met with a familiar pair of somber brown eyes.They stared at me for a good 30 seconds before i spoke up, "What the fuck do you want  Mingi." i could see the sadness deepen within his eyes as i spat his name as if it was some sort of curse. "Please...y/n I need to speak to you" he looked desperate and it aggravated me."I don't care what you want. Don't come near me ever again, i don't want anything to do with you." Mingi looked displeased but let go of me anyway and i walked away without another word...


Hey babes.....hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter...I'll be posting a next one ya'll

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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