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                      THE MISSION

Y/n pov
I watched as Mingi became flustered at my words but he just smiled and attempted to shoot but missed.I laughed lightly at his face now not only red from her words but red from embarrassment.Just as i was about to say some thing i heard an obnoxiously high pitched voice i knew way too well,
"Y/n,my love.I looked for you everywhere,San said to look here but i didn't feel like listening, as usual."

Jung Wooyoung

One of my best friends and San's boyfriend. I've known Wooyoung for most of my life and He's seen me through lots of phases in my life.
For example when i had multiple one night stands after each other but he didn't judge and im grateful for that.

"Hello Wooyoung.Is there something i could help you with?" I asked extremely curious as to why he was looking for me."Yes and no.Well not me at least,San said he had a job for you to do but it wasn't an assassination yet but more scoping out and showing Mingi the ropes." He said then averting his gaze to Mingi for a brief moment as if to make sure of something."What do you mean teach me the ropes.I think i know the basics." Wooyoung and i just looked at him pretty amused by his confidence."You say that until you know what your role is pretty boy."I told him now looking at Wooyoung who had a smirk on his face.I couldn't tell if it was from Mingi's confidence or the fact that i called him "pretty boy"
Although i assume it was the second opinion. "With your looks you'd be a seductor." Wooyoung told Mingi while he checked him out.
"We should go before San has a fit." I laughed and started walking towards San's office.

"Well you all know why you're here so lets get straight to it. You're going to Jackson Wangs party tonight and you'll need to get information on a Kim Oosan which y/n has to assassinate. Obviously she wont kill her tonight as its more for teaching Mingi the ropes and obtaining information. Mingi will however have to play the role of a seductor. You'll then gather the info needed, which is her phone,and give it to y/n." We all listened to San intensely and i stole a few glances at Mingi and he seemed pretty confident.

Lots of confidence for someone who got flustered because i whispered.

"Do you both understand the mission." San said mostly looking at Mingi seeing as though its his first time doing this.
"Yeah." We both just sighed. "Good,now y/n get Mingi prepared please." He said and i just nodded whilst turning to exit the room.

Time skip brought to you by Hongjoongs perfect lips:

San had informed us that it would benefit to take Lexi with us even though i dont see why. I knew that Mingi would get distracted by her, she always tended to try and get the newbies attention and she would physically.

When we arrived at the club he was hosting at i immediately went for the bar, because not only could i drink but i had a good view of both Mingi and Lexi.The first hour into the party was quite boring per say. That was until the Kim Oosan herself came up to Mingi and started grinding on him and he did it back seeming to enjoy it, but i wasn't dumb or blind as i saw his had do to her hip where her phone was and  take it out.

I thought that would be the end of the night,or atleast the mission, so u stopped paying much attention to Mingi and Lexi whom from where i could see were making out and grinding on one another.That was, however, till it was time to leave.
"Mingi give Wooyoung the phone so that we can get out of this place." I said to him as i got into Wooyoung's car.
"Umm....I cant find it." He said after checking his pockets and jacket that was folded in his arm."What do you mean you can't find it." I asked him,not really knowing where the harshness in my voice was coming from."You act like its that bad,its his first day. Plus its a club. People lose things all the time." Lexi said sending me a glare.
"No i wont because maybe if you two weren't too busy dry humping each other this job would have been fucking finished and maybe if you could've kept your pussy and legs closed and not open it to all newbies our company could do better.And please im not being hard on him, he knew the expectations of this mission and job so stop treating him like a child and shut the fuck up." I was extremely pissed and quite frankly a little tipsy but i didn't care i just sat infront next to Wooyoung so i could avoid her and him.

And although they might think i wouldn't catch on that they did something but those dark red hickeys didn't go unnoticed by me.

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