Chapter 5 Assist the Fjord Witches across the sea. [Release That Witch]

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A Day later, here we see Sm(Y/n) making his way to see his new base of operation.

He starts making plans of invading the City of Dawn as their next mission. But he is concerned about the arrival of the Fyord witches.... especially Andrea Quinn.


"Sire, the Fyord witch lead by Tilly Wimbledon in coming to sleeping town, do you wish to assist them?"

SM(Y/n): Yes... Ready 4 Cruisers and some Apaches, they assist them againts the Hybrid fish demons under the sea safely...


"Already on their way."

SM(Y/n): Good, I hope they're doing their best to protect them.

He was then interrupted by another witch by the name of Scroll studying more about the lab.

Scroll: I apologise to disturb you...

SM(Y/n): Its alright... I just completed my plans about the rescue mission at the City of Dawn.

Scroll: I see... I have a question... How do you and Roland know each other...

SM(Y/n): Well... its almost as if were best classmates at school... but thats a question for another day, I gotta go check outside.

Scroll: Oh uhh.... sure...

Small Timeskip

Once SM(Y/n) was outside, he escorted 30 Rangers and 3 Mk X Abrams in the long bridge of Sleeping town on patrol,

Then the Heavy and Medic then aproaches me from behind.

Heavy: Why is Heavy and Medic here?

SM(Y/n): We're preparing for a rescue mission. I'm gonna recruit the rest of the Mercinaries to assist us of rescuing the witches.

Heavy: Yay the whole team!

Medic: Ah I see, so why don't me and heavy stay in the lab, yes?

SM(Y/n): Sure, if both of you are hungry, there some food in the fridge back there along with some Sandviches and some other things you might enjoy.

Heavy: Very Good!

Medic: Well let's go shnell!

And so they left.

Meanwhile in the Backyard of the Capital

Here we see Miss Mask(Berlinda) flying along with Lightning practicing how to fly along with an Ai hologram version of her.

She is slowly getting used to it. They then get to race as to who the fastest is.

Meanwhile the other witches were helping the other witches in the time of the Devil moon this month, they slowly improve.

Nightingale: *whips out her sweat* Phew! That was alot of hard work...

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