Chapter 8 Meeting and New Team [Release that Witch]

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The battle Between SM(Y/n) and the Demon merauder begins, Y/n attacks head first with the shotgun before the Merauder blocks it in time with its Argent Shield.

SM(Y/n): Fast reflexes i see...

Of Course SM(Y/n) already recognize the pattern so he stepped away from the demon but not too far away.

Agatha: What do you call that demon again...?

Roland: I think its called the "Merauder"

Spy: Indeed, one of the most powerful demon from another dimension of Hell.

Just as the Merauder's Eyes began flashing green. Thats when shoots point blank at the Merayder's face with the shotgun dealing massive amount of damage on its head.

Merauder: Tough luck for a wizard!

SM(Y/n): "Tough luck" my ass, I know your pattern very well I'm gonna finish you here right now..."

Merauder: Then let us begi-!!

SM(Y/n): Now hold on a sec, let me just remove all of these weights!

Meanwhile outside the Chamber.

Here we see Prince Roland and the other witches watching the whole fight.

Ash: What is he doing...?

MM(Berlinda) "Hehe! Brother is only warming up!"

Roland: "Warming up?" He seems to be more confident than before.

Andrea: Just how many tricks does he have?

Spy: Alot... in fact Mr. Mask is just toying with that demon *Lights up his cigar* Now he's getting started...

Agatha: Huh?!

SM(Y/n) takes off his clothes except his pants and removes every single heavy ring Weights all over his body.

One by one each of them are weights about 20 pounds each all over his limbs until he droped the heaviest one which is twice the amount of weight on his waste.

SM(Y/n): "Ah.... thats much better, Lets see who's has the highest points of agility shall we?"

Merauder: "A wizard finally shows his true colors... bring i-!"


The Merauder was sent flying but he manage to recover in time, but Y/n was fast enough behind the demon before gets hit again.

Tilly: He seems much more faster than before...

Roland: Spy, how much does each of those rings weight?

Spy: Each one all over his limbs are over 20 pounds. The ring on his waste is double of 40 pounds alone.

Roladn: That much?!

Spy: Yes, once you took them off, not only does your Strenght increase, but raw speed as well.

Ash: So hes that strong now?

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