Chapter 7 First Invasion.[Release that witch]

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(Where in chapter 210 - 220of the Manhwa)

While Andrea was getting her face closer and closer to Miss Mask(Berlinda)'s face of needing some answers, Tilly Wimbledon intervenes

Tilly: Ahem! I think we should rest.

MM(Berlinda): Y-yeah... I'll take these kids back to bed...

Miss Mask nervously take the kids to their bedroom with the other witches. The Highness and the witches watch them leave with a curious look.

Andrea: *Sigh* Guess I'm hallucinating again.

Roland: Its almost dark, well get things ready tommorow. Also I'm gonna give your witches some presents before they leave.

Small Timeskip.

Everyone went to their guest bedroom, Andrea was looking out the window.

Sylvie: I guess I should tell you about Sniper Mask, even tho he is still somewhat mysterious, but he is an ally.

Tilly: What do you mean by that?

Sylvie: Well... when I tried to sense him using my powers, I have never seen a man so powerful in my life...

Ash: Is he a demon?

Sylvie: No, but he does have demonic Aura but different. Whats odd is that he has no intentions of harming us.

Tilly: We'll look into him probably next time. But for now, lets get some sleep.

The Next Morning at the Lab

here we see SM(Y/n) and his decides to create a new and advance tank. But its gonna be a bigger one. SM(Y/n) decides to purchase another highly advance Engineers to assist him. That way the process shall be in increase production.

SM(Y/n): this is gonna be good.

Engineer: Sir, Prince Roland and your sister is entering the lab.

SM(Y/n): Sure, let them in.

The Prince himself and MM(Berlinda) showed up and decided to have a secret meeting.

Roland: Sniper Mask, You need some assistance? You look pretty busy.

SM(Y/n): heh, its fine, also there is something I have to tell you. But you promise to never tell anyone else...

Sniper Mask sense that another witch was behind him.

SM(Y/n): *Sigh* Miss Nightingale, I know your in there.

Nightingale: *Appears* How did you know?

SM(Y/n): Listen, people from this kingdom and the City of Glow are gonna have an uproar about this. And you better not tell this to anyone... Especially Andrea Quinn

Roland: Dont worry, your secrets are sealed. Now tell us what it is.

Both Sniper Mask and Miss Mask looks at each other and nods before taking off their masks that shocked Roland and Nightingale.

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