CHAPTER 10 - Life and Lies.

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Oxford was a curtain of white foam in December.

The building, the roads, the bridges - everything was covered in snow. Even Headington Hill appeared like a giant ice-cube from afar.

Valerie had returned with her clubmates last month and it had been snowing since then.

She loved this weather, it made her feel a sort of heavenly tranquility that surpassed any other kind of happiness. She would be returning home soon for Christmas, which was the best thing she will be doing after months. The thought of sitting in front of a warm fireplace with Gemma and her mum and dad, and chatting away with a mug of hot chocolate, walking those beautiful streets again was enough to convince her that it was definitely going to be a beautiful month.

But life was not always so merciful. She had tons of assignments to complete and matters to deal with.

For all she knew, after their return to Oxford, a lot of things had changed.

For instance, Julian was no longer the confident man she had known from a few months back. He had changed drastically and avoided her most of the time.

On the other hand, Sebastian hardly appeared during practice and was mostly out of sight. He was like an invisible man who vanished and appeared whenever he desired. Last week, he had appeared in Valerie's room magically before she got home and asked her a few professional questions about the happenings at the university. Then left without accepting any drink.

What the hell?

The only people Valerie could count on right now were the Davis twins and Dahlia.

But something was definitely up.

She set down her notebook and looked up at the town ahead. The giant red oak behind her shivered in the frost. She was not going to just let time pass by like this.

"Are you busy?" A tender voice asked behind her. She almost jumped at the familiar tone.

"My God Sebastian, you scared me" She said turning around.

"Well, are you?"

"No, why are you asking though?"

Sebastian took a seat beside Valerie in the snow. His cheeks were a bright shade of red, he had snowflakes in his dark brown hair and his eyelashes - Valerie never noticed - were longer than she had thought. She still hated to admit it, but it was true - she had feelings for him. Feelings she wanted to let go.

But couldn't. The idea of leaving then behind, was a peculiar mix of relief and fear. And if she is not careful in the future, she doubted that the fear will not grasp the whole of her heart.

"I'm sorry Valerie. For everything that happened back at Peebles" he spoke.

Valerie continued to stare at a withered leaf on the ground. It's not like she could say anything.

"I- I know you are mad at me, you have all the reasons to." Sebastian continued.

"I never said I was mad at you," Valerie interrupted, "I was my fault, I wanted you to stay"

"I still want you as a friend Val" Sebastian said. Valerie nodded in approval.

"You told Julian, didn't you? That is why he has been avoiding you all week" asked Sebastian.

Valerie shook her head, "I didn't, I thought you told him"

They sat motionlessly for a while. Silence echoing through their bodies. All they have spoken since they met were loud lies, but silence had always spoken for them. It whispered concealed truths. The rustling of winds broke their boundaries, and they traveled to a faraway land where they got everything they wanted.

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