Back at the Orpheum?

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Authors Note: I wanted to remind you that Adlynn's voice claim is Tove Lo so that means ill be putting some of her songs in here so total credit to her. also, ill be putting some songs that sound like Sunset Curve in here so ill put the artist when the time comes. the songs that I will be mentioning will be played further in the story so yeah. thats all. enjoy!

I saw the guys go higher and higher. but I stayed in one place. then I fell. 

I landed on the orpheum stage. why was I back there shouldn't I be with the guys?  I saw Rose running in. she was crying, well obviously she would be because I just died. "Rose.." I whisper, thinking she couldn't hear.

she looks at me. "A- Adlynn?" she says. "wait. you can see me?" I ask, getting up and walking towards her. "aren't you-" Rose begins. "dead? yeah. I am." Bobby walks in. he's crying. "do you think he can see me too?" I whisper. Bobby looks up at us. "whoa." Bobby whispers. "ill take that as a yes." Rose says. we walk to him. "h-how are you here?" Bobby asks. "I don't know. all I know is that Im dead. but, how can you see me?"

Bobby tries to take my hand and succeeds? "" I whisper. All of a sudden. Bobby's hand goes right through me. "this is really confusing me Adie." Rose says. "what do you mean?" Bobby says. "she isn't there anymore." "no.. she's right next to me." 

"I just thought about how ghosts were supposed to be invisible." I explain to Rose. "then think about being visible?" I did. "okay. I can see you again." 

"uh. Adie. where are the others?" Bobby asks. "i.. I don't know. I stopped floating up but they continued." I say. "oh." Bobby whispers. "I'm.. I'm sorry Bobby.." I hug him. The guys were like brothers to him. I know it's hard on him. but really. where are they?

Luke's POV

"Adlynn! Adie!" I yell. we died then we floated up into a dark room and now, we can't find Adlynn. I've been calling her name for 30 minutes now. "Luke. she isn't here." Reggie says. "no. she has to be. she died too." "we all saw her stop floating up, she obviously isn't here." he says. "she is here!" I snap at him. "can you guys shut up!" Alex yells at us then goes back to crying. I roll my eyes and turn around. "Adie!" I yell out again. where Is she?

Adlynn's POV

10 years later

I've learned that yes I am a ghost. but I can control when I am. I can make myself visible to everyone or certain people. I can also touch people. its weird, right? normal ghosts don't have these abilities. 

Through the years, I have made music and also published some. I wanted the memory of Luke, Alex, and Reggie to still be alive so, I've made songs about them and I published the songs we had recorded before we died. Though, Bobby did steal a bunch of them. I managed to find some left over. 

My biggest hits are "Habits," "Talking Body," "We Can Be (Heroes)" and one, me and the guys made "Unstoppable" (originally by The Score.) My musician name is "Cove." I don't like it when random people know my name. Everyone knows I'm a ghost, to be honest. I don't know how it got out but I just shrugged it off.

Now, I was waiting In a hospital waiting room. Rose was giving birth and I was out there with her husband, Ray. They hadn't picked a name yet so he was going over the list they had made. "calm down Ray. everything Is going to be just fine." I assure him. he nods. 

a few minutes later a doctor comes in. "The baby is healthy and Rose Is perfectly fine. if you'd like. you can visit them." The doctor said. we walk into the room and see Rose holding the baby girl. " so.. what name did you want to choose?" she asks. "i.. I was thinking Julie." Ray says. "Julie.. thats a beautiful name." Rose says.  I smile at them. 

"I'll leave you three alone. bye" I say walking out. I decided to get some fresh air. I made myself invisible to lifers before I poofed outside and started walking. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a man walking through lifers. "why hello." the man says. "hi.." I answer him. "your Cove, the ghost musician?" he asked. "yes. and who are you?" "I'm Caleb Covington. if.. if you don't mind me asking. how long have you been a ghost?" Caleb asks. "I think.. 10 years?" I see disappointment cover his face.

 "ah well.. I run a ghost club, called "The Hollywood Ghost Club." I can make ghosts visible to the living. we sing and dance for eternity. would you like to join?" he asks. I think for a moment. "sure. but I can only do it on Friday nights." I say. "deal." he says, holding out his hand. I grab his hand and shake it. "I would give you a stamp but I can only give it to ghosts who've been dead for less than 10 years. but I better be off. good bye Cove."

then, he tipped his hat and walked away. 

from then on. every Friday night I had went to the club and preformed. Caleb was really nice to me compared to other people. 

7 years later. 

I was walking down the street again then I heard a crash to my right. I turn towards the sound and I see a kid hit by a car. "holy shit-" I say, running up to the body. I saw the kid sit up. but. his body was still lying down. "hey.. uh are you okay?"  I ask. "what happened?" he asks. "you got hit by a car.. I think you might have died.." I say. "WHAT" He quickly stands up and looks at his lifeless body. 

I learned that his name was William, Willie for short. I had introduced him to Caleb. we had answered a bunch of questions that Willie had. in the end, Caleb had given him a stamp.

Since it was a Friday night, Willie didn't have to preform since I wanted to show him how its done. since I've been dead, I've been more confident on stage and now I was the secondary lead singer for the club. I played guitar and I taught another ghost how to DJ. 

I also got to hang out with Rose and Julie. Rose and Ray ended up having another kid. his name was Carlos. Julie and Rose always wrote and played music together. life was great. until 2 years later in 2019. Rose died. Julie stopped playing music and honestly. everyone was depressed. Ray and I always courage Julie to go into moms studio but she couldn't bare to go back in there. and soon we gave up trying.

Words: 1159

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