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Adlynn's POV

I followed Julie downstairs and she walked up to her dad. "hey, dad" Julie says. "what'cha working on?" "well, now that the house is on the market, we need to add some photos to the website. help me pick some good ones." Julie walks over and i lean on the couch. "got this batch right here."

"these are really nice." Julie says. "yeah?" "yeah." "thanks." "these didn't turn out though. the ones from mom's studio." Ray says. "its like.. little lights and dots all over the place. kinda looks like orbs, right?" Ray says.

"orbs?" I hear from behind me. "I've seen some freaky stuff about those on YouTube." Carlos says. "people, say they're ghosts. do you think thats mom and she made some friends?" I turn myself visible to Carlos, Ray, and Julie. "its not, I'm the only ghost that lives here." I lie. "it might be dust."

"sounds like someones is spending too much time on the internet." Julie says. "you can just trash those." "all right. so trash, trash, trash." Ray mumbles. "um, dad?" Julie says. "yeah?"

"I was thinking, if we're just moving 'cause of me, and you and Carlos want to stay, I'm fine with that." "I vote we stay. I don't wanna have to clean under my bed.." Carlos admits."noted, what made you have second thoughts?" Ray asks.

"I don't know. I guess a combination of things? I know that Tia says that moving is moving on, but I don't think thats the answer." "I totally agree with you on that. I mean, I think..I think that moving on has to come from the inside. And one of us took a huge step this morning." Ray says.

"all our memories of mom are here, and we should be too. can we stay?" Julies asks. " all votes are in. yes! yes, yes! thank you. get in here, come on. mm! big sigh group hug." they part from the hug. "ok, someone help me find my phone." Ray says, looking around. "I need to call the real estate agent." "oh, um, I think I saw it in the kitchen." Carlos says.

"kitchen." Ray says, looking at Julie. he hold this hand and Julie takes It, leading him to the kitchen.

later that night, me and Julie walk down the stairs and into the kitchen again. "ah!" Julie says. "jeez. thats scared me." I say. Luke was in looking inside the fridge. "I'm never gonna get used to that." she walks over to Luke. " do you guys even eat?" she asks. "I just want to see what'cha got." Luke admits.

Julie closes the fridge. "hey! you know how long it took me to open that?" Luke says. "sorry, I don't believe in waisting power." Julie says. "good. because thats exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Luke says. "our power usage?"

"no. the power that you have." Julie looks at Luke weird. " your voice. your piano playing. dude, you're like a human wrecking ball." "is this a pep talk?" Julie asks. "what Im saying is that you have the power to move people. to knock them off their feet. and there is no way your teachers wouldn't let you back in to school, if they heard you play like that."

"I asked her. she said I have to wait until next semester." Julie says. "that was your first mistake. asking." Luke sat on top of the counter. "Sunset Curve booked gigs by doing. we went into ambush mode. we played in front of clubs. we played in back of clubs. we even played book clubs." Julie looks at me, I nod, confirming that we did indeed play in book clubs. "book clubs?" Julie asks Luke. "yeah. we didn't get many gigs out of that one, but they did have some gnarly snacks." Luke admits.

Julie looks at him weird. " I'm just saying, don't ask for permission. swing that wrecking ball of talent at your teachers head, and smash those stupid rules right outta their brains." "this isn't a club, it's a school, and your plan sounds violent. "its a closed door, and you gotta bust if open." Luke says, putting his head through the cabinet door."

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