Just a Ghost Club

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Adlynn's POV

As the guys look around, they scoff every once in a while. Alex breaks the silence. "Bobby's house is ridiculous. have you seen these platinum records?" Reggie turns around, shocked. "platinum?" I look over and see Luke looking at more records. I walk over to him and realize what song it was.

"he recorded "My Name is Luke!" My name is Luke!" Luke states the obvious. we hear sound from the front door. it was Bobby walking in. "oh jeez..." I whisper, knowing this isn't going to end well. "its him!" Reggie also states the obvious.

Bobby walks to the stairs. "hey, Carrie. I'm gonna meditate." Bobby calls out to his daughter. "he wears sunglasses in doors." Reggie complains. "I'm in the den!" Carrie calls out. "cool!" Bobby says, before walking up the stairs. "I cant stand him" Reggie continues.

"time for his past to haunt him." Luke says. they start walking up the stairs but Alex doesn't follow. "wait! let's not rush this. you know, its my.. its my first time haunting someone. I wanna make it special." Alex says, proudly. the three of us just look at him weird. "ok, Alex" Luke whispers before continuing to walk up the stairs.

"that was weird. okay" Alex admits to himself as he follows behind. we get to Bobby's meditating room. "ohm..." Bobby hums. Luke gives him a wet-willy. I roll my eyes. Bobby shrugs it off and starts humming again. then Reggie blows out the candles in front of Bobby.

Alex clicks a button on the radio and a song starts playing. Bobby gets up and turns it off. right when Bobby turns around, Alex clicks it again and the music starts playing again. Bobby ends up unplugging the whole radio. I notice Luke is gone then I hear running water. I smile to myself, shaking my head and roll my eyes.

"Carrie?" Bobby asks if the running water is from his daughter. he walks into the bathroom, Alex, Reggie and I follow him in and Luke is smiling mischievously. Bobby knocks on the glass. he walks in and turns the water off. I look over at the mirror and see Luke writing "Hello Bobby" on the mirror in the font that we had are logo as.

Bobby's face of horror appears. he runs to the door but slams into it. I poof to the hallway and see Alex holding it shut and Luke and Reggie laughing. Bobby yells, "let. me. out!" Alex runs off as he lets go of the door. the guys are still laughing as Bobby runs off. me and the guys poof outside and see Bobby getting into his helicopter.

"oh! quick. let's moon him before he gets too far away." Reggie says. "he cant see us." Alex says. "oh, it's not for him, bro. it's for us." Luke says as they pull down their pants I look away disgusted. "dumbasses" I mumble. Julie walks out, obviously annoyed.

"so, did you guys have fun in there?" She asks sarcastically. "ok, you'd do the exact same thing if he stole all your songs. at least Adie gave us credit." Luke says. "but you have new songs. with me." Julie says. "the best way to get back at Trevor is for this band to do great. And to do great we have to play dances, then clubs." she continues.

"and tours, I know." Luke finishes, walking towards her. "ill see you guys at the school. we go on at 9:00. please don't be late. there's gonna be a lot of people there." Julie says. "we got it, all right? don't worry." Alex reassures. Julie sighs before walking away.

"I don't care what Julie says. I'm glad we scared Bobby. I wish we'd done more, like.. like written "thief" on his forehead." Reggie says. "and, Alex, how did you shut the door? you could barely open a garage door." Luke questions.

"Learned that from Willie, didn't you?" Reggie asks. "yeah. well, he taught me somethings, and we screamed in a museum." Alex says. "wha- what?" I whisper, confused on how he normally just said he screamed in a museum. "its a long story." Alex says.

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