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Caleb disappears off stage and I walk down the steps and go to the guys. I instantly get flooded with hugs. "oh my god-" I say in the middle of the three guys. "okay- okay, if I were alive, I would be struggling to breathe" I say, making them back up. "I-i-i- I just cant believe your here.." Luke says.

"and you can sing! how come you told us you couldn't?" Alex asks. "I didn't want to sing in front of everyone." I say like its nothing. "well you could have told us." Reggie says. "really?" I ask, surprised. "no! you have the voice of an Angel, we need you to sing." Reggie continues as I roll my eyes.

"well, uh, I'm guessing you heard what happened about.. Rose.." Luke says, scratching the back of his neck. I guess its time to come clean. "yeah... uh about that.." I start, nervous. they guys give me confused looks. "i.. I kind of been with Julie.. the whole time you were here. and sometimes with you guys." I say, awkwardly.

"WHAT?" the guys yell at the same time. "why did you not make yourself known?" Luke asks, kind of mad. "well, you know the bet we made like a month before we died?" I start, the guys nod. "well I wanted to test it out... you barely passed." I say. 

"what!? I think we %100 passed." Reggie says, disappointed that he didn't get %100. "okay, so, you know what we want with Bobby, right?" Luke asks. "yes, and I also know that he meant no harm. he just thought, since you were dead, it didn't matter that he.. stole your music. we did die and if I didn't have these abilities and you never met Julie then it wouldn't have mattered." I explain. 

Luke rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, pouting. "well, you guys can explore or whatever. Caleb will try to find you soon. Willie and I told him about you guys and he was very interested." I say, looking Willie who was staring at Alex.

"oh, uhm, yeah. we left great reviews." Willie says, getting out of his trance. Reggie, Alex, and Willie walk away. Luke stays, looking at me. "so, uh. were you there for any... in particular conversations?" Luke says, talking about how he talked to Reggie about liking me and Julie. 

"no, why?" I ask, innocently. "oh." He says smiling. "good, that.. thats private." Luke says. I nod my head, kind of sarcastically. "sorry I just have to" Luke says after a good 10 seconds of staring at each other, he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back, I missed his scent. his smelled like vanilla and cinnamon.  

he pulls away and smiles at me. Reggie and Alex come back to us and Caleb appears. "hello, boys. Caleb Covington." he introduces himself. "Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club. Enjoying the show?" "yo, that was... I mean... did you... like" Luke stutters. "I know" Caleb agrees. "right?" Luke says.

"This is Alex, Luke, and Reggie." Willie introduces them. "yeah, it's really nice to meet you." Alex says. "'sup" Reggie says. "the pleasure is mine. nothing warms my heart more than sharing this magic with new friends. please, sit. sit." Caleb says.

we all sit down around the table. "uh, thank you for the invite." Alex says. "of course. of course! now my friend Willie tells me that you boys have some magic of your own." Caleb says. an awkward silence drifts between the people at the table. 

Alex clears his throat before he starts talking, " well, Willie and I-" he starts but I interrupt him. "oh shoot. I have to be somewhere. and by the way, he's talking about Julie. bye!" I say before poofing to the dance. yes I know I should have told the guys to come with me but Caleb really wanted to talk to them so I just have to explain to Julie that they're going to be late.

I see everyone leaving, following Carrie. "whoa.. what happened?" I ask, walking up to Julie and Flynn. "the guys bailed." Flynn says, as Julie was too upset to talk. "well, they're at Calebs. I would have grabbed them but it wouldn't do anything..." I say, turning to the crowd leaving the gym. 

"they still want to get back at Trevor?" Flynn asks. "yeah, also, they know that I'm here so.." I say. Flynn nods. "well we should clean up." she says. "I can help. even though I hate cleaning..." i trail off. 

the new kid and a girl were dancing in the middle of the gym. "little man has game" Flynn says. we laugh. "Adie, can you just grab the guys?" Julie asks. "sure." I smile before poofing to the club again. they are doing "dessert".  I see Luke dancing with a girl and I cant help but get jealous.

 he sees me and he runs to me then drags me to the dance floor and makes me dance with him. "Luke-" I say, before laughing at his horrible dance moves. I grab onto his shoulders so I can get his attention. "Luke. its 12 'o clock." I remind him. he looks at the clock. 

"twelve?" he says shocked. "how- how'd that happen?" he says before tapping Reggie on the shoulder. "dude. dude! dude, we lost track of time." Luke says. "not right now, man" Reggie says. I roll my eyes. Luke picks Reggie up by his waist away from the girl. "Reggie!" "hey! what the.." Reggie says as Luke lets him down. 

"we were supposed to be at Julie' school at nine." Luke says. "oh shoot. thats right.." he trails off in my head as I look around for Alex. instead I see Willie watching Alex from afar, in jealousy. I see Alex hanging from a circle thing. "Alex-!" I start.

 "yeah, Julie. this place is some sort of time warp." Alex says. he poofs down. "Willie is little jealous that you were dancing with different guys~" I tease. "he is?" " we don't have time. c'mo-" Luke says but gets cut off and stops running. "gentlemen, whats the rush?" Caleb asks.

"the party's just getting started, and you have eternity, after all." "you know that girl who can see us? we sort of bailed on her. there's this dance at her school, and her friend, Flynn is a super cool dj, like-" Reggie explains. "I don't think he has an eternity to hear the story" Alex cuts him off.

"basically, we're late for a gig." Luke says. "but, what about my offer?" Caleb asks, sounding annoyed. offer, what offer? "its very cool of you Mr Covington, but like I said, we already have a-" Luke starts. "a band of your own. I understand." Caleb says. "okay." Alex says, the guys start walking up the steps.

"oh, boys.... if you ever want to come back and fix that little problem with your friend, the Hollywood Ghost Club is always open." Caleb says. "yeah, man, we'd love to come back." Luke says. "ah! music to my ears." Caleb says before shaking their hand, giving them a stamp. I see Willie out the corner of my eye, his eye widen and he goes pale. whats his problem?

"oh, it's just a little club stamp." Caleb explains. "cool" Reggie says, looking at his wrist at the stamp disappears. "until next time." Luke walks past him. "bye Caleb!" I say before following him.

Authors note: I don't know why but I only have motivation at 3 am in the morning so :D anyway. who else hopes Caleb burns and gets his head cut off? <33

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