We can play again!

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Adlynn's POV

I can't eat since I'm a ghost so I sit on top of the counter listening to the conversations. "there we go." Ray says, putting down the bowl of spaghetti."ok. let's do this." "lets do it." they all hold hands. Julie and Carlos put their hands out, like they're holding their moms. "your turn, Carlos." Ray says.

"thank you for our leftovers and the power of the might microwave. amen."  "amen." Julie says. "so. Carlos tells me, he found you in the studio." Ray says. " She was out there talking to herself." Carlos exposes Julie. "I was rehearsing for a play." Julie lies.

"hello, hello!" we hear. they quickly throw the extra stuff that was for Rose all over the place. "oh, busted!" Carlos says. "yeah, we're in here! quick." Ray says. I laugh at how quick they were. "huh. spaghetti. again?" Victoria says. "yeah." "thats too bad. I brought you my pasteles and arroz con pollo." "yum." "mmmh" Julie hums. "thanks, Tia! it smells great."

"you can have it tomorrow. I can't let you have left overs every night. my sister would kill me. May she rest in peace." Tia walks over to the table. "oh.. I see things here are going better?" she says. Ray nods before he starts speaking. "actually.... Julie and Adie has been cleaning out moms studio. hopefully we can get the house on the market and some offers soon." 

"well, I like the sound of that." Tia says. the boys walk through the door. "moving from here is only gonna help you move on." Reggie trips walking in. "you've got to rip that band-aid off and get the pain over with." "AH!" Julie screams. everyone looks at her. "thats me. ripping off the band-aid. Aah!" Julie lies. playing it cool."there's my brave girl." Tia says, grabbing her chin, making her look at Tia. she turns back to the guys.

"hey, Julie. I really like what you guys did to the place." Luke says. "you shouldn't be here." Julie says a little too loud. "oh, I'm just here to help, mija." Tia says. "oh... I think thats our cue to leave." Alex says. "I mean, you should be at pilates." Julie says. "thanks, for bringing us food."

I walk up to the guys. Julie give them a death glare. "we should've called first." Reggie says, pushing them out. I look back a Tia. "and now that you're no longer in the music program, you can concentrate on classes that matter." "shit. we forgot to tell your dad." I tell Julie.

"you got the email from the school, right?" Tia asks Ray. "yeah. we're still discussing it." Ray lies. "bueno, I'm off to pilates." Tia says, blowing a kiss to Carlos. "oh yeah!" Carlos pretends to swing a bat, "hitting the kiss." "wa-chow! it's gone." Carlos says. Tia speaks in Spanish before leaving,

"so, Julie. wanna hear how slid into home and was almost safe?" Carlos says, trying to change the subject. "your a good brother. thats not gonna work." Ray says. "I tried." Carlos says before leaving. "why didn't you tell me? you made me lie to your aunt." Ray says.

"sorry. I was gonna tell you after dinner." Julie says. "yeah, Mm-hmm." "I was." "honey. I know classes can be difficult, but you still like music. don't you?" Ray speaks. "I don't know. maybe?"

"look, we talked about this, you know? and how painful memories can be, but.. you know, every time I see you and Carlos, I see mom. its like she's right here with us. but you know what? I love that. I do. and maybe if you'd given yourself a chance, you'll get there." ray says. moment later. we hear rock music. "god damn it." I say poofing to the studio. the guys are playing music.

Julie soon comes into the garage and stomps. "guys! Guys, stop! enough! stop! cut it out!" they stop. "the whole neighborhood could hear you. I thought I told you to leave." Julie says. "wait. people can hear us play?" Luke asks. "yes! and so did my dad and my brother!" Julie yells at them. " w-w-wait. wait. so, only you can see us, but everyone can hear us?" Alex confirms.

"I mean, what kinda of ghosts are we?" "who cares, man? people can hear us play!" Luke says. "we might be dead, but our music isn't." "yeah and now all we need is Adlynn."  Alex says. 

I smile, Alex hasn't forgotten about me. "oh yeah! I miss her." Reggie says. I didn't even realize ray had just walked in. "yeah, I'm fine. I just had to turn off the CD player" Julie says. Ray looks at the instruments. "wait. was this the junk in the loft?" Ray asks. knowing the guys are probably here. "junk?" Luke asks. Ray messes with the drums. "some of this stuff's in pretty good shape."

"maybe we can make a couple bucks." "what? yo, stop touching my drums. tell him to stop touching my drums." Alex complains. "I liked that song you had on." Ray says. "sweet! we're sunset curve." Luke says. "tell your friends." Reggie adds on. "its just an old CD I found."

"well, still, it's nice that you're listening to music again. out here you can play whatever you want, whenever you want. " Ray says, its hands going through Reggie and Luke. "oh-! thats nice." Reggie says.

"stay out of this." Julie says. "I- I'm sorry, honey. I didn't-" Ray say. "oh no, no, no, no. Not you. I mean... uh.. er.." Julie stutters. "you know, give me a minute." Julie says, pulling her dad out of the room. "hey. hey. hey. hey. we'll figure out this music program thing." "thanks dad" Ray leaves.

"he likes our song." Luke says. "oh yeah, he doesn't count. he's a dad." Alex says. "why can you guys just be normal ghosts. hang out in an old mansion. I hear Pasadena's nice. ugh." Julie says before leaving. "I think she's warming up to us." Alex says. "I've always wanted to go to Pasadena." Reggie says. Luke poofs out and I do as well. he's talking to Julie. 

"stop that, I'm serious." Julie says. "I'm sorry." "what do you want." Julie asks. "I know this is all completely insane, but you do know how rad this is? people.. actual people can hear us play." Luke says. "yeah, it's just that I've had a really, really awful day. i gotta go." Julie says. "well, I'm sorry you had a bad day, but three guys just found out they had a bad 25 years. and then they found out that the one thing, the one thing they lived for in the first place, they can still do. thats pretty rad." Luke says. " your right. its just-" Julie starts. 

"your bad day. yeah. I know. look, I'm sorry we came into your life, but.. what I just felt in there actually made me feel alive again. we all felt alive again. so, you can kick us out  if you want, but we're not giving up music. we can play again. thats a give no musician would every turn down. you gotta know that. clearly, your mom is into music." Luke explains.

"was," Julie says. "she passed away." Luke looks at her shocked. "I am.. so sorry," Luke says. "yeah, we.. we didn't know." Alex says.  Julie sighs. "its all right. you guys haven't seen her anywhere, have you?" Julie asks. "from wherever  you're from." Reggie shakes his head. "No. No, I mean, you're kinda of the first person we've seen." Alex says. "yeah, but she's not dead, so it doesn't answer her question." Reggie says. " yeah, I think she knows what we mean. I'm sorry for your loss." Alex says. "thanks. sorry, I got mad. you guys are kinda good." Julie says.

"kinda?" Luke starts.  "y-y-you know thats like 25 years of rust just getting dusted off." Luke says. "yeah. do you play the piano too?" Reggie asks. "no. no, I don't play. that was my moms stuff in there." Julie says. "no way. she's an amazing songwriter. " Luke says. "she was. wait. how would you know?" Julie asks. "there's a song on the piano. if its hers.. your mom was really talented." Luke says. 

Julie nods and she was about to walk away but she turned back around. "I guess... if you need a place to stay, you can stay in there. there's a bathroom in the back and a couch that turns into a bed if you still use any of that stuff." Julie says. "dibs on the shower." Reggie says. "what the fuck?"

"I just really like showers and sometimes the occasional bath." Reggie explains. "this...  this is just too weird." Julie says, walking away.

once Julie walks away, the guys celebrate.

I poof to Julie's room. she's on her phone talking to herself. " what would you say if I told you there are three ghosts living in my moms studio." she says, pausing for a few seconds. "you'd say I crazy." "was that Flynn?" I ask. she nods.

she looks out the window. "Jules. I'm proud of you for going in your moms studio. I know it took a lot of courage." I say. "yeah.."  "I'm going to go see what the guys are doing. good night Jules." I say before I poof out.

Words: 1550

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