Chapter 4- messed up

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It's the next day in their new university and they had to do some school work most of the day.

Skip ahead of time-
Sienna's POV-
I barely finished all my work and it's already 3. I decided to go outside and get some fresh air. When I went outside to find a bench,I saw Tom making out with a girl?! I obviously got mad but I didn't say anything and just sat down. I wondered why would he being kissing a girl while we have something going on. Or I thought so.

I brushed it off and headed inside to find Gabby and Eric. I saw Eric grabbing something from the vending machine and I walked up to him. "Hey Eric!" I said happy like nothing had just happened. "Hey enna" he said. "Have you seen gabs anywhere?" I asked "Yea she's in the dorm room.I just came down to grab a couple of snacks." He answered "Hey can I talk to you and gabs right now?" I said sorta quite "yea of course.what's wrong?" He asked. "I'll tell you when we see gabby" I said.

We went to their dorm and saw gabby in her bed just scrolling through her phone. "Hey einna!!" She said embracing me with a big hug. "Hey gabs" I said with a fake smile. "Ok something is going on. Come here" she said patting her bed. I sat down and talk to gabby and Eric.

"Well, my new roommate.." I said "uh huh" gabby answered. "He's..he's Tom. The one that I liked" I said "WHATTT?! You got Tom fricking Kaulitz?!?" Eric said. Gabby pushed his shoulder telling him to shut up. "Wait? What do you mean 'liked'?" Gabby question. "Well uh..I saw him with another girl making out." I said. They looked at me confused. "But he isn't yours so you shouldn't care Sienna." Eric said. "Yea..I know but.. we may have made out yesterday. He made it seem like we were  together and like he loved me." I said "Oh that explains all those hickeys" Eric scoffed. I gave him the look.

Gabby was speechless. "There's no way I'm gonna let that boy just run around breaking hearts. Especially my best friend's." Gabby said angrily. "Hey hey it's ok,I'll talk to him at the dorm." I said.I lied.I wasn't gonna be the one apologizing and working things out with him. He's the one who was making out with someone. Not me."You better not let him do it again enna." Gabby said "yea I wont" I said.

I stayed with Eric and gabby for a while and we talked and watching movies and laughed. I had completed forgot about Tom and focused on my friends.

'Fuck Tom' I thought

Tom's POV-
I found myself making out with this random ass girl. She was a good kisser but not as good as Sienna. Speaking of sienna. I saw her look at me while I was making out with the girl. Right now I didn't care. I just needed to kiss someone.

After I got that random girl off me I rushed inside the university. I made my way to my dorm room hoping to see sienna. I knocked. I knocked again. No answer. I just figured that sienna was just ignoring me. I unlocked the door and looked for sienna. She was no where. I knew I fucked up. I started wondering where she could be. Then I remembered that she could be with her friends. I didn't know their names. I remember when talking to sienna she had mention her friend's name, I think it was gabby.

I made my way to ask one of the professors if they knew where gabby's  dorm room was. I had no faith in them but I still asked. Surprisingly one of the professors knew. "210" he said. I thanked him and made my way to 210.

I knocked on the door and saw that guy who was with sienna and her friend. "What's up man?" He asked "Hey is sienna in there?" I asked "Uh..nah" he answered. I saw sienna and gabby behind him  on gabby's bed. I looked at sienna and she looked hurt and gabby gave me the death stare. She had definitely told them about what I did."Oh ok then. Do you know where she could be?" I asked "No idea" the guy said. "Alright thanks man" I said "no problem" he said.

He closed the door and I stood there sad. I know I shouldn't be the one sad but it hurt to see Sienna sad. I just headed back to the dorm room and chilled waiting for sienna.

Siennas's POV-
I was with gabby and Eric until I hear a knock at the door. I had a feeling it was Tom but then I remembered, why would Tom be looking for me? I just sat with gabby on her bed. Eric had answered the door. I heard a familiar voice. It was Tom asking "Hey is sienna in there?" Eric looked back at us and me and gabby shook our heads. Eric said no and then Tom asked where I was. Eric said he didn't know.  I saw Tom look at me through the door. He knew I was here.

I stayed with gabby and Eric until I noticed the time 8:00 pm. It wasn't too late but I just decided to head back to the dorm. I hugged gabby and said bye to Eric and I headed out the door until I felt someone grab my wrist. It was Eric "hey you want me to talk you?" He asked. I Said sure and I we walked to my dorm room.

I unlocked the door and opened it wide enough so Tom could see I was with a boy. I said bye to Eric and kissed him on the cheek then I whispered into Eric's hear "don't think I like you. I'm just trying to make tom jealous." I whispered. He chuckled and said bye.

Oh gosh. Here it comes. As soon as I closed the door, I heard Tom's voice. "Where the hell were you." Tom said in an angry tone. "Don't worry about it" I said. I knew he knew I was with Eric and gabby. "And who the hell was that?" He said. "My friend." I said  "Why would you kiss your friend ?" He asked. I could ask the same thing. "At least I wasn't making out with him" I said. He knew I saw him.

"Hey look I'm sorry." He said "no you're not." I said coldly. "You're only sorry because you got caught." I said. He looked at me. I knew he was looking at me with a mad stare. "You know what. I'm not sorry."he said "that kiss was better than ours." He scoffed. "Don't worry,I've had better kisses too" I said. He knew I wasn't lying. I mean, look at me. He knew I was beautiful and anyone would wanna kiss me.

He ignored me at changed his clothes..right in front of me. "Hey go change somewhere else dickhead" I said. "Like what you see huh?" He said with a smirk. I had my eyes covered until Tom moved my hands and just looked deeply into my eyes. I wasn't gonna let him make out with someone and then come make out with me. He isn't gonna get away with it. He leaned into my lips.

I pushed him  off and said "your not gonna win me back that easily." I said
1270 words
A/N: Maybe I did lie. This chapter isn't really Juicy.Guys I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday. I had some family business and it took all day. I'll make it up to you guys somehow🤗

More than just roommates-Tom KaulitzNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ