Chapter 11: So Close Yet So Far

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✧.* -2023: Rome- ✧.*

The heat of the Italian sun doesn't bother Dante even in his snakeskin jacket as he stands above the city next to the two nerds he pilfered from Cipher's ranks. The culmination of more than a decade of careful planning will truly start in seconds, the dominoes he's spent years setting up are about to be flicked and begin to fall.

He feels exhilarated or at least he should, mostly he feels erratic, confused, and messy. But that's not new to him, it's the refashioned Dante, the man he was reborn into after his violent baptism on the bridge twelve years ago. He's been cold since, a dead man walking. Flamboyantly destructive he has been laughing hysterically into the void of a world without her.

He stands on a tower-like structure with the nerds flanking him as he hums and presses go with a lavender-nailed finger. The structure is part of the ancient architecture and is sort of similar to a bridge and stands about two stories from the ground, accessible by steps that Dante had bound up excitedly moments ago.

The joysticks on the control pad are reminiscent of something like a driving arcade game and he easily pilots the armored van that he has sent Dominic Toretto's crew after remotely. Everything has already gone to plan and he is completely confident that everything will continue to do so because Dominic is a man of habit and Dante is a man who has had a long time to plan his revenge and nothing to lose.

On the screen, he can see the feeds of multiple cameras that were placed strategically so he can act as an eye in the sky over the current operation. This is not necessarily because he needs to be in control, he is regardless, but because he enjoys watching everything fall into place in real-time.

As the armored van carrying the bomb, now piloted by Dominic's crew after they broke into it, passes by he grabs the portable control center like a purse, humming to himself still, and goes to the other side to watch the cars drive from a backward angle. He sets the control center down and swings his arms out in front of him like a maestro in front of an orchestra. He can feel the apprehensive looks the nerds are giving him on his back.

"And a one and a two..." he says to himself, a triumphant smile on his lips as he presses a button on the command center.

A split second later the escorting jeep that was driving in front of the armored van as security blows up in a square of milling tourists, flipping and rattling the ground enough that Dante can feel it tremble through his feet. The car hits the ground for the last time with an impressive crash. He lets out a whoop at seeing the destruction, feeling like a sports spectator who has just witnessed an incredible play. He can practically hear the announcers in his head gasp in wonder at his carefully dramatic destruction.

Han drives in an orange car and Roman is in a golden car driving around the armored van. Ramsey is in the driver seat of the van and Tej is in the passenger side. Roman pulls ahead of the van and all of the other vehicles are somehow able to circumvent the flaming vehicle. Dante watches as people duck and run from only the very beginning of his planned carnage. He smiles and turns to his nerds.

"Put a little too much in, huh?" he asks rhetorically, absolutely giddy.

He turns back to the scene, his long wavy hair playing in the wind at his shoulders. His dark sunglasses seem to take on the same mad glint as his eyes as he watches the race. He puts his hands up as if he is bracing himself for impact or like a double-handed gunslinger, a wide and devious smile on his face.

"Are you ready?" he asks no one in particular.

The ginger-haired nerd seems disgusted and the dark-haired one with a beard looks resigned, it amuses him that they have no choice but to obey his commands and pretend to entertain his madness. This time the security jeep that was tailing the armored car is blasted into the air violently. Mid-air more of the explosives ignite making it spin before hitting the ground, the back skidding along the streets before falling over. Dante claps his hands and practically squeals. Suddenly he goes half serious, an internal switch of emotions draining some of the heady excitement of before without reason.

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