Chapter 7

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Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for responding to my question regarding India Forums (IF) last time. I got a reply to my query there from CM of IF and they suggested me to put my story in Fanfiction section. Learning the rules, I did so, and Back To You is available on IF now.

Link/URL (Wattpad may not recognise it as link, I Guess) ⬇️

Anyway, coming back to the chapter, have a great time reading it.


"Do you pity me?"

Amidst of all the preparation of final wedding ceremony, sitting on the couch, wearing her wedding attire, accompanied with sparkling accessories, with a frowning face, the bride asked. Imlie, who was equally wearing pastel fabric, adjusted with the theme of the event, yet maintaining professionalism, shot up gazed at the bride, and her half sister, Malini in perplexity. The question was equivalently unexpected and out of the blue. It took her a moment, before she processed to counter.

"Why so sudden?"

"Just answer me. Do you pity me?"

She asked again. It was the time Imlie noticed her puffy eyes, which were hidden in the layers of perfectly done make up. The eyes were tear less. However, conflict still remained. She was silence to articulate her words.

After a brief pause she spoke up,"No. I don't."

Malini somehow did expect this answer. Although, she wanted to know the reason behind. Her pregnancy hormones must be in play.


"Only a circumstantial victim is pitiable, not choice driven one."

"What?" Malini's face frowned harder; she didn't understand, how she wasn't the former.

Imlie stayed quiet for awhile, observing Malini's eyes staring into her soul in search of the answer.

Blinking her eyes twice, she continued,"We were in the similar situation, where both our mothers got cheated on by our father in the name of love. Same fate brought us together through Aditya sir one year ago. I was forced to marry him, you were betrayed by him. We both were the victim in circumstances, pitiable and devastated."

"So, you're putting both of us in same standard now? Huh?" Malini's lips began showing mockery.

Imlie didn't get discouraged, just grinned a little before responding her back,"Your disbelief and delusional mind won't change the reality, Malini didi. Deep down you know it too. Your question is the proof itself."

Malini gritted her jaw knowing the truth herself. In fact, this conversation with Imlie was the aftermath of the heated argument, that she got with her parents. She acknowledged the fact, how her mother's words manipulated her to get Aditya for herself by hook or by crock. However, when she got her senses back, it was too late. She was deep in it, she herself became her mother, filled in resentments.

Negativity is outrageously powerful.

"Then why am I not pitiable now, in your opinion?" Malini's wounded mind was too deep to heal; she still didn't know, why her enemy's opinion mattered to her this much.

"You choosed to be in this path, stuck in the misery, and make others get down with you too. Consciously, with the consent of your own. In conclusion, you yourself bestowed doom upon yourself. Therefore, you are the later one," Imlie finished her statement, leaving speechless Malini behind to fix the camera for the interview.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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