Episode 13: Meta-Not

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Getting called by Tiff's mother was almost never a good thing.

Given that she had wanted to see both Tiff and Kirby made both of them a bit nervous. She and Tuff had just had a conversation about going to swordsman camp in the summer, so she must've been in a good mood, right? The tension was so thin, a soft breeze could lead to shouting for hours.

Tiff wasn't an idiot. She knew that she did some very bad things. Sneaking out, rescuing a super-powerful legend, blowing up a Star Warrior's spaceship, and bringing her little brother along for the ride.

"So, Kirby," Kirby, who was previously confident in this conversation being positive, was alarmed at the sound of his name. "Everyone said that you were an evil, malicious force of darkness bent on death and destruction," she said, confusing him for a Kirby final boss, "But, for some reason, you don't seem that way. You had every opportunity to turn my daughter into your servant for all of eternity. But you didn't. Why?"


"You also didn't listen to Meta Knight when he offered you power and honor. Could it be that... you aren't a villain?" She had finally reached the conclusion, leaving Tiff shocked.

"Yes!" Her daughter spoke up at her, "And he's also my friend!"

"Your friend?" Lady Like was amazed. Tiff had never had any friends before. People usually thought that she was annoying or too clever. The fact that Kirby seemed to really like it when Tiff called him a friend meant that the feeling was also mutual. "Very well, Kirby. From now on, you are welcome in our home. Just as long as someone else is here."

Kirby and Tiff smiled at each other. It seemed as though things could only go up from here.


*Theme Song Plays*


Later that day, Tiff had decided to visit Kabu. She had remembered reading that he could heal Warp Stars, which was a skill that was desperately needed. Once she made it to the stone deity, she had noticed something odd. There was a figure moving inside of Kabu's mouth. After she watched it for a bit, it disappeared.

"What are you doing here?"

The voice came from behind her, making her jump. Tiff was even more surprised to see that it was Meta Knight.

"I could ask the same thing about you!" She rebuked, climbing back to her feet.

The knight sighed in response, "Where else am I supposed to go? It's not like anyone here would welcome a guy who wanted to start a war with their planet..."

As much as Tiff wanted to rub his loss in his face, she felt a little bad for him. Despite that, she felt like he kind of deserved this. Then again, Kirby was also ridiculed relentlessly, and that must've felt awful. She was very conflicted. "Anyway, do you know how to heal this?" She said, pulling out the severely damaged Warp Star. Meta Knight slammed his fist into a nearby tree.

"There's a healing compartment inside of Kabu. That damage is... very severe, it should take about 168 hours to recharge," The knight sighed again, giving Tiff a flashback to her emo phase (Tuff's inspiration for hairstyle), "I'm sorry..."

"Eh, it's fine," Tiff calmly replied, heading toward Kabu's mouth, "In fact, your little villain arc kinda helped us!"

"Helped you?" Meta Knight seemed confused, "How?"

"Well, my Mom left that Anti-Kirby online group, Kirby picked up a lot of skills, and I think that people are starting to warm up to him now. I guess, in a twisted way, you did train Kirby!" After Tiff said that, she put the Warp Star in and ran back to her house, leaving the knight alone with his thoughts.

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