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Alexei unlocks the front door of the apartment, never letting my hand go. We enter the house, and he leads me through. Everything feels like it's slow motion, all I want is to be with him, right now.

I feel Alexei slow as we get to where our two rooms are, and he looks back at me as he turns into his room, where I have yet to go.

When we enter his room, I stand near the doorway for a moment as I watch Alexei go about what he needed to do. First, he closes the shades, then he takes his jacket off and throws it near the door to his bathroom, and then he comes back to me.

Alexei hold my face in my his hands, and he comes down to my lips for a kiss. It's so slow, and it's so different from how last week started.

I kick the door closed, and when I almost lose my balance. Alexei smiles against my lips.

Alexei starts to bring me over to the bed. I stop at the foot of the bed, and Alexei stands flush to my back. His hands sit on my shoulders, one of his fingers plays with my left strap.

My fingers go to the zipper on the side of my dress and unzip, giving Alexei the cue to take over.

Both of his hands pull at the straps, and I lower my shoulders to help him drop my dress to the floor.

My senses heighten as my naked body becomes visible to him. His hands run up my curves, but he stays clear of my breasts for now.

"Step out of your dress." I follow his command, and I leave my shoes where they were as I step out of my dress that lies at my ankles. "Turn to me."

I turn to him, only clad in my pair of black lace panties. Alexei takes one look a my body, then pulls me into him, smashing his lips into mine. It's then when he starts to get faster, more of the pace I missed from last week.

After a moment, Alexei pushes me down onto his bed, releasing a gasp from my lips. I lean on my elbows, and I watch the show Alexei puts on for me.

Alexei, very slowly, starts to unbutton his shirt, and for a moment, it makes me wet, but about half way down, I simply cannot take it anymore.

I get up onto my knees, lock my hand into the collar of his shirt, and pull him against me. I slam my lips into his. In reaction, Alexei's hands go around to my ass, squeezing it, making me pull in closer to him.

He starts to climb onto the bed, pushing me back onto it. I lose my balance, falling back onto my butt. He kisses me rough until we both run out of breath.

"Lay down, Жизнь моя" Alexei stands back up at the end of the bed and finishes taking off his shirt. His friend grows in his pants, and I rub my legs together to create friction. A smirk crawls across his face.

After his shirt comes off, he crawls back onto the bed, hovering over me. While one hand holds him up above me, the other starts to feel the waistband in my panties. I stare down at his hand, and I subconsciously let out a small moan. He looks up at me, his eyes darken.

"Are you okay?" I nod quickly at his question. His fingers suddenly start to trail down the fabric. I throw my head back when one finger flicks over my cl!t.

"Alexei. Please", I whisper.

Alexei leans up further towards me. "What do you want, My Love?"

"I want you", I plead to him.

Alexei's fingers move the fabric away from between my legs, and slides one finger through my folds. I let out a gasp, and I all I want is either his tongue or him inside of me.

I push myself against his fingers. "So eager", Alexei chuckles. His finger dances around my hole, and I whimper in frustration.

Alexei bends down and places a kiss on my chest, right above my left breast. Then one closer, and closer, and then he places one on my nipple. I suck in a breath, and when I buck my hip near his finger, he pushes it inside of me, just a little.

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