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My leg shakes in anticipation to see May as we drive over to my old apartment building. This is the longest time I've been without may since the day we met. It was love at first sight for us. We instantly knew we would be best friends. 

Dread suddenly washes over me as we turn the corner and I see my building. Though I had had happy memories in that apartment; the parties I threw with May and our coworkers, laying on the floor with May, and just starting my new life. But that one last night there was enough to make this place a nightmare. 

Alexei's car stands out like a sore thumb compared to all of the normal cars on the street. He parks in an open spot and I sit for a second while Alexei turns the car off and gets out to open my door. 

When it's time for me to get out, I take one last breath. Alexei holds out his hand for me, and I grip it very tight. 

Together, we walk into the lobby of the building, which is of course no where near as extravagant as Alexei's building. I show him over to the stairs, as there is no elevator, and we silently walk up to my floor. 

Relief washes over me when I see May leaning against the wall next to my apartment. 

"May", I squeal is happiness as I run up to her. She meets me a few feet away and we hug each other tighter than I've ever hugged anyone. 

"I missed you so much", she sighs, not letting me go for another couple seconds. 

"I miss you so much more." 

When we release, Alexei comes up to introduce himself to my best friend. "Alexei", he says stoically. 

"Oh, I know", May scoffs sarcastically. "Lovely to actually meet you."

After they exchange pleasantries, it's time for me us to go into my apartment. I get my key out and unlock the door. 

I swing the door open and shutter, half expecting the place to be completely trashed. But it's not. The apartment is just as I left it. I step very slowly inside to the middle of the room. On the coffee table is a half crumpled piece of paper. 

I will find you

Alexei rips the paper from my hand and goes into work mode. None of us say anything, and I continue to walk through the apartment. 

"Come on, Aleks", May says from behind me as I enter my room. "Let's get what you need and get out of here."

I shake myself from my funk and go into my closet. I start to collect old bags I can use to move everything I want. Whatever I don't want, Alexei's men are going to come take care of it, and then Alexei will work with the landlord to end my lease. 

I start on my clothes, throwing most things in a pile in the corner because I've already replaced them. But I keep a couple college sweatshirts and a couple pieces of my favorite clothing. 

Once I finish with my clothes, I start to pack my keepsakes. I have picture frames hanging everywhere from my college years that I loved, and then I printed pictures of me and May. 

It takes no time at all to finish in my room, so I take the couple bags out and place them near the front door. Alexei stands near my kitchen counter, typing away on his phone. I can only think of one more thing I want, so I go to grab it. 

A picture frame sits on the side table next to my couch. A very old picture from when my father was still alive. It's the one photo I have of him. 

"Is that your father and mother?" Alexei suddenly appears next to me. I jump slightly, placing my hand on my chest in shock. 

"Yes. This what just a couple weeks before he was killed."

Alexei studies it, as if he's thinking of where he's seen this photo before. But May's voices breaks us both from our stare. "Did you need anything from your bathroom?"

"Can you just grab my face wash from the shower, and the purple conditioner bottle?"

May goes back into the bathroom, I hear her mess around with drawers and such. 

I look back up at Alexei as he speaks again. "I recognize your father from when I was young."

"What are you talking about?"

"You said he worked in the military?" I shake my head yes, but he starts to shake his head no. "Your father worked for mine." 

"I used to play with a girl named Dina before we left. Mama always told me about her."

"There's no way. That's impossible." 

"Your father's name was Feliks"


Though the look on Alexei's face had been relatively positive, it turns to despair. "My father killed yours."

"What are you two doing?"

May comes bursting into the living room again and notices us staring at each other. "Alexei's father killed my own in Russia."

I feel like I should be mad at Alexei, but he hates his father more than anyone in the world. He probably hates him even more now that we know the truth.


I finally looks away from Alexei and turn to May. But when I have nothing to say to her, I once again turn to Alexei. "Mama told me we left Russia to escape the military Feliks worked for. But it was your father we escaped from."

"That was the peak of his reign. He killed anyone who looked at him the wrong way. Your father worked in his group for years, but then Sergei's need for your father was no more."

May's terrible response for social cues comes in handy every once in a while. "Can someone fill me in please?"

Alexei shakes his head. "Let's get everything we need and get you two out of here. We shouldn't be here too long."

"I'll explain everything later." I turn to May quick, then grab another couple things, and I'm ready to go. 

The three of us grab the bags I packed full of my things, and then we start to head out the door. 

"Wait", I start. They both turn to me. "How much longer can I have?"

Alexei looks at his watch. "I would say no more than five minutes."

"Perfect", I turn to May, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "How about one last floor session?"

Alexei starts to open the door again. "No. You're not allowed." He gives me a You can't tell me what to do look. "This is a me and May thing. Can you just wait out here, please?"

Alexei nods, and May and I drop the bags, run into the living room, and I slam the door shut. 

May and I both drop to our knees, then roll onto our backs, and begin to stare up at the ceiling. 

"I wish we had wine", I giggle. 

"Girl", she laughs. "You need a shot of tequila."

For the next four and a half minutes, May and I finish the last floor session we'll have in this apartment. We talk about everything from the moment Alexei brought me to his apartment, and I tell her about Alexei's plan to bring her into the family. For now, she was going to get surveillance around her house, and then Irina would find her a room at The House.

We both sit up and ruffle our hair back into place. May then leans over and hugs me.

"You really are my best friend."

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