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The first of July rolls around just like that, and tonight is the night of the poker game. Set for 8PM at casino owned by Volkov, it's the largest inner family event of the year.

Dina brought me shopping yesterday for our dresses, and the one I picked definitely would not have been something I would have ever worn in my previous life. While Bodycon dresses had never really been my thing, I thought it fit the night very well. Clad in a bright pink chainmail material, the dress is a halter neck and a cowl neck line, a slit that goes past my hip, and an open back. I feel naked, but I also feel powerfully sexy.

I finish my hair in Dina's bathroom, and then go to strap on silver shoes in the chair in the corner. Dina rushes around to finish herself, as she's always late when it comes to herself getting ready. I sit calmly, talking myself up to believing I can pull off this dress.

The guys were all out today, so we're meeting Alexei and Artem at the casino. Irina comes up some time later in her own gown, and then we both wait for Dina to finish scurrying around.

"Okay. I'm ready", Dina finally stands in front of us, a curler up in her bangs.

Irina and I both chuckle. "The curler in your hair is a nice touch. Artem is sure to win with that good luck charm."

I hear her mumble to herself, run into the bathroom, throw the curler down, and spray even more hairspray into her hair.

"Now I'm ready. Let's go." The three of us make our way down to the town car to take us to the casino.

The casino sits in the heart of the city, at one of the most prestigious hotels in the city; one that I would never even have thought to stay in.

The sign lights up the whole street in front of it, making the world around it gold. Our driver holds the door open for us, and the three of us walk in together.

Dina and I stand there like a deer in headlights for a moment, taking in the busyness of the casino. But when we see Irina walking towards a hallway, Dina grabs my hand and we follow her.

The stereotypical red velvet walls line the hallway with gold accents and trim. At the end, is a double door with a gold sign that says: The Room.

The two attendants dressed in all black open their respective doors and allow our entry.

The room is round, with the middle of the room set down a few feet with stairs at four sides. The huge poker table down in the center, a caller setting everything up perfectly.

Eight men sit around the table, waiting for the game to start. They all watch the dealer carefully, ensuring nothing will go to their disadvantage.

Alexei's back is to the door, so I give myself a moment to be a bit mysterious, but not be awkward about it.

Our arms link together, Dina and I walk slowly around the room, smiling and greeting people I remember seeing at the party last week. Irina and Volkov are at the opposite side of the room, each with a cocktail in their hands, so we make our way over.

After greeting us, I look over to Alexei, whose face I can now see. He stares intently down at the table, but something catches his eye, and he looks up at me.

Alexei's eyes go dark, and I see both of his fists clench on the table. I shoot him a small smile while he stares at me with that look that makes me wet. Not a good thing, considering I'm not wearing any underwear.

At the strike of a very dramatic grandfather clock, the room goes silent. The onlookers gather around the railing overlooking the table.

"Good evening, and thank you for joining us", Irina stands tall and pronounces her voice, that echoes through the round room. "This is the final year of the wonderful tradition created by our family. May luck be on your side. Now, ladies, please take your places."

When telling me about tonight, there is a tradition that the women stand by their men during the game as a symbol of good luck. Dina and I walk down the couple stairs, and go our separate ways to Artem and Alexei.

I keep my eye on her, and I imitate her every move. She stands at Artem's right, so I stand at Alexei's right. All eight of us girls all place our left hand on his shoulder, and then we just watch.

Alexei rolls his shoulder slightly under my hand, so I give it a light squeeze to reply. I study the table to understand the best I can. I know enough.

In each man's pile is all of their red chips, each with a 100 on the top. But in front of Alexei is an all black chip. As Dina explained, that is the Power chip; where Alexei has to bet it up first, and it will stay in the pot until the end.

The dealer starts his shuffle and lays out the first card, then starts to dealer starts to deal the cards.

From my basic understanding of poker, the cards Alexei is dealt is neither good nor bad. A King of spades, and a four of hearts.

When it comes time to place bets, Alexei shuffles one stack of his red chips and the black chip into the pot. I look at each person's face from around the table. Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for Dina, she can be very expressive. The look on her face tells me everything I need to know. Artem then moves his first bet, which is only half of the stack that Alexei placed.

On the dealer's side is a queen of of spades, so I squeeze Alexei's shoulder again. He looks to the flop cards, and then he flicks the corner of one of his cards. I'm living for the silent communication.

The men go around in turns to do their trades and strategy moves. I study every person's mannerisms, and keep still to stop anyone else from studying mine. But in the end of the first round, the Power Chip sits in someone else's bet.

"That is the end. Second game will start in ten minutes."

Alexei rises from his chair, and he wraps an arm around my waist. He bends to place his lips into my hair. "Follow me."

He rises from his chair, and we exit the room. Down a small hallway to the left, he opens a door and practically pushes me in. Alexei slams the door shut with his foot, and locks it.

I instinctively go over to the granite countertop and lean back against it. Alexei rushes over to me, grabbing my face in his hands, and slams his lips against mine. It gets rough quickly, and we just both follow the other.

I jump up onto the counter, spreading my legs for him to step inside. I yearn for his friend that presses against the bare button between my legs, pressing myself forward against him.

"You are so fucking hot", Alexei breathes against my lips. It's then he notices I have no underwear on. "Holy fuck."

"Fuck me", I breathe out, so incredibly ready for his dick to be inside me.

Alexei releases me, starts to undo his pants, and it springs out over the hem of his boxers. He hurries to get the condom out of his coat pocket, and rolls it on.

"You never told me you know Poker", Alexei suggests.

"There's a lot you don't know about me."

"What did you notice about everyone else?"

Alexei starts to center himself in between my legs, where my juices are already flowing onto the cold counter.

He slides in just a little, but it's like he's waiting for an answer before he continues in.

"Dina hides nothing, and neither does Max's wife, they both tell everything on their face."

Happy with the response, he pushes a little further in and I let out a small moan. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Keep going, My Love."

He suddenly slams himself into me, and I shutter my words. With each stroke, I let out strained words to tell him everything I know.

"The woman on our left... she blinks too often... He leans to the other hand..."

It does not take either of us long for our orgasms to peak at the same time. Alexei starts to become sloppy, but he still hits the perfect stop that sends me into a frenzy.

"Cum for me, My Love."

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