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"But my senior year is just about to start! I can't just move all the way across the country!" I yelled at my parents.

"Sweetie, your father just got a promotion and we have to move to California! Don't you realize what a big deal this is?" my mother interjected.

I did. I knew it was a big deal. But moving away from my friends? Moving to a place where I knew no one? That was a big deal for me too.

"Skylar, this is happening whether you like it or not." My dad spoke up. "Now, we are leaving in less than a week. I suggest you go start packing."

I sighed, defeated. I knew there was nothing I could do to change their minds. But how was I going to tell Tracy, my best friend, that I was leaving her? She was going to kill me.


Hey are you busy? Wanna meet up at Samantha's? -Tracy

Yeah.. I got something I gotta talk to you about... -Skylar

Is something wrong? Is this about whatever your parents wanted to talk to you about? -Tracy

Yeah but I'll explain when I see you. Meet you in 10. -Skylar

I sighed. There was nothing I could do to stop this move. I'd pleaded with my parents for hours to no avail. I knew that my dad was excited about this promotion and to an extent, I was really really happy for him. And hey, it's California! Who wouldn't be excited about the prospect of moving close to a beach? But I didn't want to leave all of my friends. I had grown up in Portland and Tracy had been my best friend for 11 of my 17 years. I couldn't just leave her at the start of our senior year!

But it didn't look like I had much of a choice. I grabbed her phone and keys and headed downstairs.

"I'm going out." I told my parents.

"But honey, you have to pack!" my mom said, concern on her face.

"I know, I know, I just.. I gotta see Tracy," I told them. I know it was a lame excuse but they knew it was important to me so I was hoping that they would understand.

"Fine just don't be out too late," my dad said, giving me a stern look. He put a hand on my mom's shoulder when it seemed like she was going to argue again. She looked up at him and an understanding passed between them.

"I won't be," I replied over my shoulder as I ran out the front door.

I knew leaving was going to be hard, but I didn't expect to already feel dejected as I was driving to Samantha's. I stopped at a red light and looked over to my left. There was the park that I had first met Tracy in.

We were both in 6th grade and our moms had both brought us to the park. I remember sharing my gummy bears with her and from then on it was true friendship.

I blinked away the memories as the car behind me honked. The light had changed green while I was distracted.

"Hang on buddy," I muttered to myself. Man, people these days are so rude. Can't even wait two seconds.

I pulled into Samantha's parking lot. It was this cute little coffee shop that Tracy and I always went to. We had all of our deep conversations here. It was basically our safe place. I was definitely going to miss it.

I spotted Tracy's car as I was walking in and realized I was a couple minutes late. Oh well. My friend was waiting for me in our usual booth with my caramel frappuccino and her chocolate chip frappuccino.

"Hey," I smiled at her.

"Hi chica, what's up? Spill right now." she told me. One thing about Tracy was that she was very blunt. She didn't see the point of beating around the bush.

"Well, my dad got a promotion," I replied, staring at the straw of my frappuccino.

"That's great news!" Tracy answered, letting out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were going to tell me something bad! That's not bad at all! Go Mr. Harper!"

"That's not it, Trace." I met her eyes. "The promotion is in California. My parents are making me move."

She laughed. I looked up startled and confused. "That's hilarious, Sky!" She kept laughing. I realized she thought I was joking and I didn't know how to break it to her that I was completely serious.

"Tracy, I'm not kidding. This is for real. I'm leaving in less than a week." She stopped laughing immediately.

"But Sky, you can't go! What about all of our plans for senior year? You can't just leave me! And what about traveling the world together and.."

"I tried to convince my parents to let me stay but they weren't having any of it," I interrupted her. "I'm upset about it too but I don't think there's anything I can do to stop it from happening!"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "What am I going to do without you, Skylar?

I smiled at her. "You're going to be fine Tracy Ann McQueen. We will skype and text everyday and it will be like I'm not even gone."

"Yeah right," she snorted. "I can't believe you're leaving me."

"I know I'm sorry," I replied, blinking away my own tears. "But nothing's going to change, I promise."

Picture of Skylar Harper in the media or whatever it is - played by Sasha Pieterse

Hey guys! So I just started this story and I really really hope you like it! Thanks for even checking it out! Vote and comment please!

I dedicated it to ToastedBagels because she is an amazing author and her books are so so so great! Check her out!

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