Chapter 8

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It was lunchtime now. Tony, Ryan, Cody, Deric, and me were all sitting at our usual table. Cody had just told us how Mr. Roberts, the Chemistry teacher, had roasted him in class today. We were all laughing at his expense.

"Guys, it wasn't funny! Seriously! Roberts has something against me, no joke! Stop laughing." He angrily slammed his head against the table.

We all just laughed harder.

"Cody, don't take this the wrong way," Deric said with tears in his eyes, "but you're an idiot."

I looked up, a smile still on my face, and looked at the new girl. Man, she was hot. She had this body that was every guys fantasy. She had this white sundress on and I found myself daydreaming about lifting up her skirt and..

"Dude, snap out of it," Ryan said, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I snapped at him. He ruined my fantasy. I just needed to get laid. Which meant that I needed to get going on my newest bet.

The girl Skylar had walked in the lunch room with beckoned her over to a table with more people. Skylar, however, motioned with her hands that she was going to get some food first. This was my chance.

"Guys, I'm gonna go get some food," I told my friends. I got up and walked behind her in line.

"Hey, sweetheart," I whispered in her ear seductively. She turned around, her eyes flashing.

"Okay, 'sweetheart' isn't going to work for me." she told me. She was staring at my lips. Like that wasn't going to be distracting. I stepped closer to her.

"Well what would you prefer, sweetheart?" I asked her, nose to nose. She was very nearly pressed up against me.

She decided to step closer. We were now chest to chest and I could feel all of her pressed up against me. Man she had a nice body. Obviously now wasn't the time to think about that though. If I got too excited, she'd be able to tell how much she was affecting me.

"How about you call me Skylar like a normal person." She told me. Then she stepped away and got her lunch. But I wasn't done with her yet. I grabbed my lunch and followed.

"Wait a minute," I told her. "You can't just walk away from me."

"Why ever, why not?" she asked innocently. I just stared into her blue eyes. They were filled with mischief. She obviously had something up her sleeve, I just didn't know what yet.

"Well the way I see it, no one walks away from me." I told her.

"Maybe someone should." she said and then sauntered off. I stared after her, my jaw dropping. She just walked away from me. With the last word. What. Just. Happened.


The bell ended lunch period and we all stood up to go to our next class. I had Calculus next. To be honest, I knew it was going to be a breeze. I had always been good at math. In fact, some of my teachers had wanted me to tutor some students but I didn't really like to do that. I have a reputation after all.

I walked into the classroom and who should have this class with me but the new girl? I smirked. There was no getting away from me now. Especially when Ms Thomsen, the teacher, didn't assign specific seats.

I sat down at the adjoining table with Skylar. Her earphones were in and her forehead was resting against the table.

"Rough day?" I asked her. I scooted my chair closer so that her leg was brushing against mine.

She looked up and her eyes narrowed.

"Good god can I ever get a break from you?" she muttered under her breath. I laughed at that.

"Sweetheart, I think God is blessing you with my presence here." I responded, slowly inching my face forward.

I swear normally I was fine with other girls but her smell was really distracting me. It smelled like a mix of lilac and vanilla and I couldn't concentrate.

"I would have to disagree." She responded also leaning forward. She stopped when she got to my ear. "Besides, I think I have the upper hand here." She licked my ear slowly, sensually. I growled low in my throat. She continued to run her tongue down my jaw.

"If you keep doing that, trust me when I say that I can't be held accountable for my actions." I choked out, my voice cracking a little bit.

She leaned back slowly. I closed my eyes and tried to focus and anything other than the fact that I wanted to throw her on top of the desk and have my wicked way with her, watching as she screamed my name and..

"Game on." she smirked at me, looking at me directly in the eyes.

"Sweetheart, you don't know who you're playing with." I told her firmly. She just smiled and opened her notebook to wait for class to start.

I felt a smile grow on my face. This was going to be fun.

Hey guys! So it makes me so so so happy that you guys are reading my book! I hope you really really like it! Lemme know what you think by commenting and voting!

Dedicated to LittleFighter97 because she's just great and amazing. Literally, I'm in love. No joke.

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