Chapter 1

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"Skylar get up! You're gonna be late for your first day!" my Mom rapped her knuckles on my door.

"Ughhhh" I groaned. I put my pillow over my ears to drown her out and go back to sleep.

"Skylar, I am not kidding. You get your butt out of bed right now!" Mom yelled.

"Nooo" I did not want to get up. The first day of school? Psh, who cares?

"Skylar!" She yelled again. I knew next she would bring the ice water up. My Mom doesn't joke about that kind of stuff.

"Fine, I'm up, I'm up!" I yelled back. I rubbed my eyes. Man all I ask for is just five more minutes but noooo of course I can't even get that small favor.

It's been 2 weeks since we moved to California and I wasn't sure how I felt about the move. I mean, the air smelled like salt and the beach was amazing. But at the same time, I missed my friend and it was freaking hot here. I swear I was dying.

I sat up. I knew if my mom didn't hear the shower running soon she would bust down my door and yell at me again. So I quickly grabbed the clothes I had set out the night before and headed for the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later and I was out of the shower. I had to put on some makeup and then I would be set to go. Some girls thought that they didn't need to wear makeup and that natural was the best way to go. And I agree that being natural is beautiful but I didn't wanna look like a zombie for the first day of school in a new place. So I put on some mascara, foundation, and lip gloss.

"Mom, I'm leaving," I yelled, running down the stairs.

"But honey, what about breakfast?" she yelled back at me.

"I'll just grab something on the way!" I answered before rushing out to my car.

I didn't know how far away the school was and I didn't want to be late. Right now, I only had twenty minutes before it was going to start anyway. "

Thankfully, the school was only ten minutes away. So I found an empty parking space and made my way into Wilson High School.

"Well I can already tell that this is going to be hell," I muttered to myself. Everyone was staring at me, the new girl. I really hoped it wasn't going to be like this all day. I stared down at my black combat boots as I passed by them all and headed for the office.

"I'm assuming you're Skylar Harper?" the secretary, a motherly woman who looked about 45 said to me with a smile. "The principal is down the hallway, second door to the right. He'll give you your schedule and answer any questions you might have."

"Thank you," I smiled at her and made my way down the hallway. The school didn't look that bad. In fact, I might actually enjoy it here.

I knocked on the second door to the right, where she had told me the principal was. The nameplate outside the door was labeled Mr. Johnson.

"Come in," A deep voice answered my knock.

I slowly opened the door and walked in to find a middle aged man looking back at me through wide rimmed glasses. He took them off and used them to gesture me to sit down in the chair opposite his desk.

I took a seat and looked up at him expectantly. "You must be Skylar Harper," He smiled at me.

I nodded. "Was it that obvious?" I tried to joke.

He chuckled. "Well, Ms Harper, I assume you are here to get your schedule."

"Yes, sir." I answered respectfully. I'm not sure why I called him sir, but I wanted to make a good impression and it seemed the best thing to call him.

He handed me my schedule and asked me if I had any questions to ask him. I responded that I didn't and he told me to have a good first day.

As I was walking out of the office, I looked up and made eye contact with the bluest eyes I had ever seen.

Hey guys! Comment and vote please! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Dedicated to DoNotMicrowave because I honestly love everything she writes. Especially her book "The Cell Phone Swap" I fangirled hardcore over this one. Check her out!

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