Chapter 3

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As soon as my eyes met his all the air left my lungs. He was gorgeous. But I knew it was boys like him that were played all the girls. Hell that was what my last boyfriend was. But he's in the past now.

This boy with the beautiful blue eyes started walking over to me, still keeping his eyes locked with mine. But I had to get out. I knew if he came over and talked to me right now I would end up doing something I'd regret. Like sleep with him. I'm not going to be just another score for him though. So I broke the intense eye contact and made my way down what I assumed what was the freshman hallway.

It smelled awful but what freshman hallway didn't? I'm not even sure where the smell comes from but it was disgusting. Yuck. Hygiene people, hygiene. There was a set of stairs on the other side of the hallway that the principal had said led to the senior hallway.

I made my way up them and immediately decided that I hated stairs. I mean come on! I think seniors should be the ones who had to do the least amount of exercise! Making them trudge up a set of stairs was just cruel.

I glanced at my schedule again. I had a feeling that I would be doing that all day to be honest. I wasn't even sure where any of these classes were at. Maybe I should have gotten here earlier so I could figure it out but that would mean a lack of sleep for me and we all know that's not going to happen.

I sighed. This was going to be a long day. I was already missing Tracy and the rest of my friends. I pulled out my phone to text her but I saw that I already had a message from her.

I miss you! I hope your first day goes terrible because that's how mine is going to go without you! -Tracy

I laughed out loud. I knew Tracy didn't really want me to have a terrible day. She just said that because she was still a little bit peeved that I had to leave at all. If nothing else though, it made me smile.

I'm sorry darling I miss you too -Skylar

I put my phone away and turned to my locker. Okay. Locker combo. I got this. I totally do. I'm great with lockers.

I turned the dial to the right numbers and tried opening it up to no avail.

"Dammit," I muttered to myself.

"Having problems?" a pretty girl with the curliest hair I have ever seen asked me.

"Um no of course not," I responded. "I'm great with lockers can't you tell?" I sheepishly smiled.

She grinned at me. "Oh yeah, it's written all over your face!" she laughed. "My name's Nicole. But you can call me Nikki. You must be new here."

"Yeah, I'm Skylar." I responded. "Everything here is much bigger than my old school, it's kind of overwhelming. And these lockers are just damn stupid."

She laughed again. "Well, I have seen many kids jamming their lockers with pennies. It actually works too so if you need you can do that."

"I'll probably do that thanks," I smiled.

"No problem," she responded. "Now move aside and I'll get it open for you." She took one look at the sheet with my combo and turned the dial with the numbers. One try. It took her one freaking try. And boom it was open.

"How did you do that?" I asked her, amazed.

"It's just a flick of the wrist," she smiled. At the sound of the bell, we both looked up at the clock. "Oh my gosh I didn't realize it was that late already!" Nikki exclaimed. "What's your first class?"

"Um AP Government." I answered, looking down at my sheet again.

"Oh nice!" Nikki said excitedly. "That's what I have too! Here, I'll show you where it is!"

I put my backpack in my locker. Taking out a binder and a pencil, I followed her to my first class.

Hey guys! So new chapter! Vote and Comment and tell me what you think!

Dedicated to Istolethecookiez. You guys, she is amazing and everything she does is gold. I am in love with her book "Forever and Always, Olive". Check it out!

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