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                                                                            -----9 years ago-----

"Take a swan dive off of the roof you pathetic Deku."

That sentence echoed inside Izuku's brain as his eyes were transfixed to the roofs edge. The words of his friend Kacchan- - - no not his friend, he never has been it's not worth lying to myself over and over again Izuku thought to himself. He has never cared once for me, the only thought or time he gives me is only to insult me or beat me down. But he's wrong i can help and save people just like All Might even without a quirk, i will just train to be stronger and faster. but what if he is right and the best thing that i can do with myself is to take that step and fall. is it even worth it to live when i constantly am injured and ridiculed by everyone around me. no more bruises, no more insults, no more of explode the Deku, how easy is it for that to all go away just a step or two and then it will all be gone. no more no more no more . . . .  .


Izuku's breath begins to quicken as he stumbles back from the edge of the school roof. he clasps his hands to his head as streams of tears fall to the ground. Is this how it feels his asks to his mind.

Is this how it feels to want to die

It hurts so much more than any of the bruises from my classmates, so much more than those words. How many other people feel this way about themselves?  how many acts on this. how many are driven insane by it. when all it takes is a little help and they can live through these thoughts. why can't i help them, all of them the people who are attacked on the streets and those who hide themselves from the world to not show how they want to break down and die.

i want to help them.

need to

who care's if i have no quirk all i need is time to become what they need to help them.

if i do this i need to leave, i can't learn to be a hero if i stay here. Heck it's not like anyone will bat an eye if i leave or disappear, more likely they'll celebrate it they all will except...


she is probably wondering where i am now it's getting late. she has done and scarified so much for me and i am just a burden on her. Life would be easy for her if i wasn't a part in hers. leaving would mean i might never see her again, but if i leave she could rest easy knowing I'm okay as long as i leave a note . . yes ... yes, a note.


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