Chapter 4 - diving in headfirst

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Shoto had been moving around the city. searching for any sign of Purotkuta's presence, a search that has seen little success. Shoto didn't known why he was looking, Purotekuta an already elusive and secretive vigilante who mainly operated under the shade of darkness, why would he be out in the sun for the world to see. stopping on a roof, he paused running a hand over his unscarred side, collecting his thoughts. he just wanted to protect his family, for years he was unable to protect them from father but now they all go missing out of the blue. Finding Purotekuta may not even yield any answers for him.


A scream drew Shoto's attention to the alley below.  Peering over the roof edge Todoroki gazes down on a woman backing away from a man with knives protruding from his fingers. 

" Quiet down and I'll make it quick and painless." 

cackled the man, inching closer to her as the woman tripped over on some discarded boxes and fell back on to the ground. Todoroki made to jump down and freeze the man, when a flash of shadow burst from the shrouded alleyway. the shadow bounded off the walls before colliding with the man, slamming the former into a wall with an audible ...


The Shadow began to rise from a crouched position, revealing a man clad in a deep green and black with armor plating adorning his suit. his face is hidden behind a mask with built in filters and a hood that rested on his head. the only feature of his face that remained visible was two emerald pupils, that latched onto the women laying in a mess of boxes and clutter. 

"Are you ok?"

Said the man in an unexpectedly light voice from such a edgy appearance. the woman still with fear simply nodded. 

"Good now go quickly."

She sprinted from the alley as the man returned focus to the groaning heap on the floor.

"Azrael, this is the last time."

"Oh, really is it now."

coughed the man, spitting some blood on the floor.

"Yes, i let you go to prison on that warning, but you broke out. you killed again. So, i am here to fulfill that promise."

"That's what you think Purotekuta." 

Screamed Azrael as he lunged at the vigilante, thrusting his knives forward hoping to make contact. but they never did as Purotekuta swiftly dodged the attack, moving to the side and instantly stabbed Azrael in the back slamming him on the ground. The body twitched as moans elicited from the lips until stillness filled the fresh corpse.

stepping back from the body, Purotekuta pulls his wrist to his mouth.

"Giri, yeah it's done you can pick me up now."

Todoroki watched as a swirling mass of purple and black emerged from thin air. the portal spun until it was slightly larger than Purotekuta. the vigilante stepped into the portal, that begun to collapse back into itself. Todoroki saw his opening and without thinking dove forward of the rooftop, praying that he won't collide with the concrete paving instead of the cloud of violet and coal. Todoroki closed his eyes as he fell the last few metres and waited for the immense pain of an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object.

But it never did come. Instead, Todoroki began to spiral out onto a wooden floor. Pulling himself up and opening his eyes Todoroki saw that he was in a bar like establishment, one that was occupied by the league of villains who all stared at him with a mixture of shock, amusement and fear. slowly the figure of Purotekuta moved towards him, helped him up and asked.

"What are you doing here."

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