Chapter 18- New home

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"What the actual fuck."

"Chill out Bakugo, It's not that bad." 

" What'd you just tell me shitty hair, are you fucking seeing what I am. The heroes are agreeing to work with that band of psychos." 

"Well maybe they are trying to change their ways. I mean they used that guy with the truth detector quirk, so it seems like they want to help. What about you guys, eh? What do you all think?" Kirishima asked turning to the other third year students gathered in the 3-A common room, only met with a sea of uncomfortable faces.

After a few seconds, Mina stepped forward. "Babe it's not that there isn't a chance they want to help but look at the damage they have done. They attacked us at the training camp, kidnapped Bakugo and then Kamino. We can't look past that."

"Yeah that Toga girl attacked me and Tsu during their attack and she seemed pretty crazy." Uraraka said fumbling with her fingers as Tsuyu nodded along beside her. 

Monoma scoffed "That 'girl' shouldn't be considered human, and don't get me started on the rest of that circus."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree Monoma. They're villains, but we still have to work with them cause that's what the top heroes and the teachers are telling us to do. I don't wanna, but if I must so be it." Sero followed up before all hell broke loose as it does in a crowd of teens before the booming voice of Iida made itself heard over the others.

"Attention my fellow students, Mr. Aizawa has just informed me that if any of you wish to meet the league of villains in a more formal manner that you are to go to the newly installed. As the class representatives of class A and B, Kendo and I must welcome them." Iida said in his usually choppy manner.

"Well I'm game, if anyone else wants to lets go." Kirishima began to move towards the door followed by Mina, Shinso, Shoto, Tetsutetsu, Iida and Kendo.

---------------------------------------------------------The Bar-------------------------------------------------------------

Kurogiri hung a 'Closed till further notice sign above the door' before retreating through the now dimly lit bar passing through the door to the living area. "The bar has been closed, are we ready to go now." Asked the bartender. 

"I believe so." Izuku said as he survey the room piled with random stuff from behind his mask.

"Alright then." 

A swirling cloud formed from Kurogiri.

--------------------------------------------Heights Alliance New Dormitory----------------------------------------- 

The UA staff and students from 3 A and B watched as bag after bag was flung through the portal or carried by a Twice. Once the entire group came through Nezu looked to the arrivals asking. "Is that everything?" 

"I believe so." Izuko said. 

"Well then I will just do this and aha your quirks will now be cancelled." laughed the principal.

The league began sorting through the bags as compress casually strolled by.

"Oi, Compress where's all your shit at." Shigaraki asked.

"Oh, I just used my quirk on my belongings out of convenience." Answered the magician showing a bag of marbles, as Shigaraki stopped moving in shock, before screaming. "Why the hell didn't you do that with all our stuff." 

All Compress did was shrug before forwarding off towards the rooms.

Toga had a quizzical look on her face as she watched him go. "Wait but if he used his quirk on his stuff and that cuddly mouse just cancelled our quirks then wouldn't that mean." everyone eyes widened in realization before hearing

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