chapter -5 Point zero

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"What are you doing here?"

Shoto was assisted in lifting his body by the hand of Purotekuta. His knees leveled themselves as his eyes darted too every being in the room. Infront of him was the vigilante, behind the bar was Kurogiri, on the stool was LOV leader Shigaraki. the other members of the LOV; Twice, Himiko Toga and Dabi were all cramped in a booth of in the corner. There was no getting out of here in a fight, so the only option was to talk his way out with the only ace he had.

"Hello? anybody home, i asked why you are here." Purotekuta said snapping his fingers. "Look we aren't going to hurt you."

"If you want i can warp him out of here." stated the calmed Kurogiri.

"My name is..."

"Shoto Todoroki. Yes, i know, but why are you here?"

"So, you know who i am. as do i you, Izuku Midoriya."

the room went quieter than it had already been. Pupils flicked between the vigilante and the teen. Before the vigilante lifted his gloves and clapped them together.  Lifting his hands to the hood he pulled it down along with the mask, a mess of emerald hair fell down to follow the hood. Without the mask Purotekuta sported a toothy grin that placed Todoroki slightly more at ease.

"Well, isn't a surprise. Now excuse me for being rude but you can spare the Holmes style deductions you made. So, you know the man behind the mask, but again what is it that you want. I mean you know who i am if you wanted to assist in ending my crusade you just had to go to your father, but instead waltzed into here. So, for the final time. Why the hell are you here?"

Purotekuta finished speaking as he sat down on a stool, beckoning for Todoroki to join. Accepting the offer, he seated himself as the misty bartender brought two waters over.

"So." The vigilante said.

"The Disappearing citizens."

"Is that what brings you to me, I hardly see as to why a high schooler is so concerned."

"My mother, sister and brother."


"I only recently mended bridges with them. Ones that took so much time to heal, and now. I'm scared, i don't want to find their bodies on the floor sprawled out. I don't know whether they are a part of the missing citizens or taken by someone due to our family name. So, you ask why i come to you, I come to you to ask if you have any knowledge of what happened to them or any other citizens." Shoto finished his rant, voicing his bottled down opinions and desires.

"I see a noble cause."

"No, a selfish one. If you have no knowledge of this or are withholding it, then i will leave you. No talking to Endeavor, or any pro hero." Todoroki stated standing up. a hand grasped his wrist.

"I wouldn't keep you from Knowledge which is by right yours. By the way call me by my name and Please follow me."  Izuku said walking towards the door, pushing it open and nodding to the glaring white light from the outside.

Following him, Todoroki stepped out onto a what can only be described as a vast cave adorned with buildings. The only way Todoroki even knew it was a cave was the rocky canopy that was above them, all the other area was a building which stacked onto eachother making use of the space available.

"Probably wondering how this is possible without anyone knowing. Well, you see this is just a rather small cave in the mountains but thanks to some pocket dimensional quirks this allows for space to be used to its maximum potential. Throw in some quirks for light, Oxygen and creating supplies and you get this. I like to call it Point zero, cause it's the starting point of my operation." Explained Izuku.

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