Chapter 4 Hello's and Goodbye's

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But anyways back to the story...  That is when I relized that the earthquake, the flooding, and the sickness made no sense. Something strange is happening. The police officer must of had the sickness. But why is this happening? My dad looked to me and told me to stop with the nonsense. He said; "You don't know what your talking about!"  My dad must know something. But he's not the type of person to hide somthing this big from us. Then why...? My dad was a scientist in the military and after his service he decided to work at one of the best companies in Japan. He was always coming home late from work. He had been working on this project with his team but he never told us what it was. Him and  his team have a small workshop on the northern part Okinawa. Wait, northern? But earler he said he came from the south. Something's not adding up. Dad is defenitly hiding something. Just then my dad got the boat started. We were headed to the main island (Japan). I asked dad where we were going. He said " I need to get something from my old lab." So we headed there. Dad goes and comes back with a small bag. Then all of a sudden he give this weird seech like " We must not give up!" and " We can do this!" It was kinda weird. Mom mentioned that her friends told her about this rest place in Japan that was safe. " They have doctors, food, shelter, and more. So we all decided that we should go there for now. When we arrived I looked around and noticed that there were a lot of people. Some were injured and others were scared. But in the crowed I noticed someone that looked familiar. I walked over and it was Hinika! When she noticed me she ran to me crying. In tears she said "Kimina I'm so glad your OK! You don't know how worried I was. I wasn't even sure if you got off the island. I asked her if her family was OK? Then her mom walked over. But... Where's your dad? He... he... when the earthquake happened he was in the basment working on something and then... I stoped her there. All I could say was sorry. I had knew him well because I would always sleep over at Hinikas house. Then her mom said " It's ok because he was a good man. And was always kind to others." Her mom seemed fine on the outside but I could tell she was hurting.

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