Dance With A Devil

745 30 42

Ive been a naughty author and forgotten to update stuff. So as an apology, have porn. And 4600 words 

TWs: Breaking and entering, bondage, alcohol drinking, knife play, degrading (but the hot kind), blue balls ig?, also smut this chapter if it wasn't... obvious.

Fuck. Was your first thought as you woke up that morning. Yet again you had fallen asleep in the middle of the day completely ruining your already crappy sleeping schedule.

Rolling around you realize your tucked under the soft, plush covers of your bed. You snuggle yourself further into the sheets feeling the comfort and relaxation seep into your tired muscles. You slowly turn your gaze to the alarm clock resting on your bedside table, seeing the soft red glow read 3:42 AM.

Groaning softly, you feel the strong urge to pee, along with a pang of hunger. Sitting up you notice a small note behind the alarm, lying flat down on the desk. It was addressed to you in neat handwriting.

You pick it up as you slowly stumble your way to the bathroom, pulling down the pants Jed had leant you and reliving the need to pee from your stomach.

Looking at the note in your hand you see it was written from Jed, opening it up you see more of the nice handwriting inside.

'By the time I came upstairs you were already knocked out cold. So, I decided to just let you sleep since you seemed so tired, also I paid for the broken window to be fixed so don't worry about that or paying me back. If you need anything don't hesitate to call me! ;)

555 1054 417 '

At the end of the note his number was scribbled down. You smile softly to yourself as you save his number in your phone. What a sweet guy.

Washing your hands in the sink you consider what you could make for late dinner/early breakfast. You tuck the note into your pant pocket as you make your way down the grand staircase to the kitchen.

As you crackled your knuckles looking around the kitchen you were reminded of the few memories you had with your grandpa in it. Him adding way too much sugar, not following the recipe at all stating he was 'Smarter than some shitty piece of paper' and the best part of it all with him was he would always let you lick the spoon and the bowl without fail, ending in the sweet sticky cookie dough covering your face and hands.

Smiling at the fond memories of your childhood days with Grandpa Marsh, you start to open cupboards looking through them trying to find ingredients to make something at least semi-edible.

Picking out some pasta and seasoning, along with some vegetables. You sit them on the counter and check out the fridge, to your delight you find minced meat and tomato paste. There was enough you could make about two meals worth of food which gave you enough to have lunch tomorrow then go to the shops.

You turn on the stove top excited to start cooking, a low growl came from your tummy as it seemed to agree with your enthusiasm.

After 15 minutes or so you'd gotten far enough into cooking for the smell of pasta sauce to be wafting pleasantly through the house. Leaving it to simmer and the pasta to cook all the way through.

You sit down on the couch with a small sigh and try to turn on the TV, curios to see what cursed or boring channels might be on at 4 AM. You give a confused look to the TV seeing as it wasn't turning on. Rolling your head back you let out a dramatic groan.

You hear footsteps behind you, interrupting your task. You sit there on all fours frozen on the spot, your brain trying to rationalize who it may be.

Maybe Jed forgot something yesterday and came back to grab it? You think to yourself trying to calm your nerves. Its 4am, we both know its not Jed. A small voice spoke back in your head.

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