An Unfamiliar Friend

108 11 3

Tw: Violence, Degrading, Breaking and Entering and threats of animal abuse.

Word count: 3100

You sat on your couch staring blankly out of the window as your mother was making herself busy around the kitchen making you both a cup of tea.

You had expected her to come over to comfort you about the argument since that's what she normally did back at home, but she was simply there to tell you while her and your father had been driving back home, they had gotten into an accident.

She was fine but your father had copped most of the damage in the crash, she was expecting you to let him and her stay here while they both healed from the accident.

Your nose wrinkled in distaste at the idea, along with the fact she didn't even apologize or talk over the fight, simply saying 'don't be childish' when you tried to bring it up in conversation. Your mind was also drifting to Danny. And how on earth your parents would react to a strange, masked serial killer breaking into your home and flirting with you.

Though you supposed what he had done to you, on the very couch you were resting on currently and only last night, not even a full 24 hours ago no less, was quite a bit more than flirting.

Your cheeks flushed at the memory as you once again began to replay the events, falling back into the looping thought prosses you'd developed since it happened.

Your mother brought you a cup of tea with a smile.

"There you go Hun, I know hearing me and your father got into a crash must have been a big fright but where both alive and well." Her voice rang out in your ears, you couldn't help but wish they had both died in the crash, even though it was only for a second.

Your mother chattered on about where her and your father would be sleeping in your house and simply stated that they'd be sleeping in your room since it had the largest bed and 'you know how your father needs his rest'.

You felt a hot rage building in your stomach and flowing through your chest, and an itch built in your fingers.

"You're not staying here." You say, feeling an unknown pang of betrayal.

You hear your mother trying to argue with you about space and money and again telling you not to be childish, but you completely block her out, continuing to stare out of the window.

Once your mother realised you weren't budging, she got up in a huff slapping her teacup off the coffee table and it spilling all over the carpet. She stormed out of the house, and you saw her get into a car and peel out of the driveway.

Your eyes flickered down to the material decorating the floor under your feet, where the tea was spilt. It seeped into the carpet, wetting your dried blood from where you first met Danny.

Despite everything you found a small smile playing on your lips as you wondered where he could be right now and when you both would next meet. You got up and half hardly wiped away the tea on the carpet with a paper towel.

Slowly you begin to shift though some of your boxes trying to see what your parents had perhaps forgotten or broken. You sigh in content seeing nothing so far had been broken, though a few clothing items where yet to be accounted for.

You stand up stretching with a few satisfying pops breaking from your joints.

Walking around your house you look for your purse and bag to check for money, remembering you needed to go to the shops for food and perhaps look for a gift for Danny at the same time. So, you stroll out of your house into the slightly cooler breeze since the day had slowly been winding down and the sun was hiding from the earth behind trees, casting long shadows over the soil.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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