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I decided to look for Gwen.
She must know what going on.
While I was looking around for Gwen, I ran into Hobie.

"Finnally crawled outta your cave?"
He said in his thick British accent.

"What the hell is going on?"
I asked him

He sighed
"Lots acctually.."

"Morales messed up some stuff, Miguel is outta his head about it. Gwendy got her watch taken away, but is alright I made her a new one. Now, she's gathered a little group to help Miles"

"Yeah.. that's a lot.. what did miles do"

"He accidently disturbed Pavitrs canon event, and now miles is trying to stop his own too."

My heart dropped and I stumbled backwards. My mind raced.

"I-is Pavitr okay.."
All I could think about was my best friend. Not only was he about to have his canon event, his universe might be in danger..

"Not really.. blackhole is tryna eat up his universe, but they're trying their best to stop it"

I knew he was referring to Miguel and his team. I stared at my feet and nodded.

"...and, about Gwen and her team or whatever. What are they doing to 'help'? Are they gonna help Miles not have his canon event!?"

"Nah, of course not. Gwendy is smarter than that, they're just trying to stop Miguel from eating him alive. They're gonna tryn' talk some sense into him"

"Good.. where are they right now?"

"She's gathering everyone. Let's go join them."

I swung behind Hobie, letting him lead me to the little team Gwen gathered. We got there, I saw Gwen, Pavitr, Peter, Peni, Porker, Noir, and Spider-byte.

Gwen saw me and smiled
"Hey y/n"

"Hey" I smiled.
Usually she gave me a hug. Weird.
I saw Pavitr and went to him

"Y/n!! You're finnally with us again!"
I laughed and nodded.
I raised my hand for me and Pavitr secret handshake. He just High-fived it and went on. That's weirder..

We were all sitting in a circle, talking about what our plan was and how we were gonna convince Miles to let his canon event happen.

Gwen was speaking
"And then.."
She looked at me and mumbled confused sounds under her breath.
"And then...."
She looked frustrated

Wait a second..
Did she not remember my name.

"Y/n" I said

She cleared her throat
"Right- right- then y/n will.."
She continued talking about her plan.
That was so weird.

We all made out was to Miles' universe. While everybody was waiting in a dark alley so Gwen could go check out Miles' room, I saw a slight glow behind me.
I turned around to see Lyla

I was about to say something to the others but she started shushing me
"Wait-wait-wait. I'm here to warn you about something!" She whisper-yelled


She took a deep breath
"This is gonna be a lot to take in.."
"Your universe is slowly fading for existence... the more it goes, the more people are gonna start forgetting about you"

"Wait what.." I stuttered
"They're gonna eventually completely forget me!?"

"Yes.. I'm sorry.."

My heart ached.
I'm really gonna lose everything.
Just. Like. That.

I felt tears well in my eyes.
I couldn't even stand the thought of Pavitr, Gwen, and Hobie never remember me. Not remembering anything we went through together.

Lyla spoke up again, cutting off my thoughts
"I promise ill see what I can do. I'm on your side. Nobody deserves to lose everything they love."

"Thank you Lyla. Really."

She smiled warmly at me before nodding and zapping away

I turned around to see everybody staring at Miles' window, waiting for Gwen's next move

Suddenly, Pavitr started glitching
I was devastated to see him like that.
I quickly ran over to his side, holding his shoulders

"Are you alright!?"
While Pavitr was groaning and struggling to stand up, I felt a band at the back of my head

I groaned and turned around to see porker holding up his bat for another hit. I quickly dodged it and stood off to the side.

"What was that for!?"

Noir spoke up
"Who are you kid!?"

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. They didn't remember?

Hobie stepped next to me.
"Guys this is y/n! You know her!? What are yall doing!?"

Noir, peni, porker, and spider-byte gave me a questioning look.
They really didn't remember.

Hobie, Gwen and Pavitr must remember me beacuse they're closer to me and have known me longer.
Still, I was heartsick.
Lyla was right.
Even my bestest friends wouldn't remember me soon...

I am so confused.

•~Alone~• (Miles Morales x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now