Eight: Can I tell you the truth?

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The next day i jump on the next flight back home, sitting alone day dreaming that me and Zayn got back together and that we killed Liam together. I'd do anything to get Zayn back. I love Zayn more than just for sex, that's how I see Liam, Zayn is my everything and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

People say we shouldn't be together, to young to know about forever! Buy there all wrong, I love Zayn more then i love...pizza.

"Hello sir, is there anything I can get you for the remainder of your journey" the flight attendant said. I didn't look up I just said "no thank you I'm fine" staring out at the window. "Are you sure" the attendant repeated. I looked up, before I could say anything the attendant spoke again "Hello Niall"

It was Liam!

"What do you want" I asked, looking outside the window again, avoiding eye contact with Liam.

"I wanted to apologise" Liam said, in a lower tone, as if he meant it. "What? Sorry ruining a perfect relationship? I came on this holiday so that I could move on from our affair and focus on mine and Zayn relationship! You've ruined everything Liam." I silently shouted at him.

"I'm sor..." He started but I put my hand over his mouth, "shut the fuck up and go over to...who ever you came on holiday with" I said taking my hands of his mouth and turning around. "I'm on holiday with my mum" he said, as if I cared.

But for some reason it came to me "wait, you said your mum died of cancer?" I looked at him and he had a look of panic on his face "get the fuck away from me Liam, you don't lie about shit like that" my heart felt like it was ripping up.

"I can explain" Liam said sitting back down. "I don't want your explanation, fuck off" I whisper shouted at him. I called a air hostess and she kindly got rid of Liam. The rest of the flight back home was full of me trying to keep my tears in. Every now and then people came over to check if I was okay, I just nodded, I never said anything.

"Thank you for flying with us, we hope you had a lovely holiday and we hope to see you again soon" the flight attendant said in her annoying girly voice. I laughed because non of what she said ever happened or will happen.

I grabbed my stuff and made my way out of the airport. I grabbed myself a taxi that drove me home. 'How the hell am I meant to explain it all to my mum?' I thought on my home.

"Did you have good holiday sir?" The taxi driver asked. "Yeah it was great thanks" I put on a fake smile and lied all the way home about my 'amazing holiday' I couldn't tell him the truth. The truth actually is, can I tell anyone the truth?

A/N: sorry it's short, hope you like it?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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